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The present state of the Church of Scotland should be a cause for Christians everywhere to cry to God for mercy. For a professing Christian church to pass legislation that permits a congregation to call a minister (man or woman!) who is in a same-sex relationship is a theological scandal and a moral monstrosity. No […]
ReadMy nickname is ‘Typicus’ which stands for ‘typical’ because I am typical of thousands of pastors around world. I live in a remote area of Malawi. I pastor five churches of about thirty people each. I have a growing family, so there is no way that I can leave home and study in a seminary […]
ReadIf you lift a stone in the garden you find all sorts of creepy crawlies underneath. Sin is a little like that. What are secret sins? Psalm 19:12 – Who can discern his errors? Forgive my hidden faults. It is not entirely clear what these hidden faults or secret sins are. Secret sins are the […]
ReadOn 26 June 2013 the U.S.A. Supreme Court issued rulings that boosted the cause of same sex marriage by a 5-4 decision, and ruled that the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) was unconstitutional. This is a major decision that will have long term impact. The court accelerated the advance of gay marriage in the US, […]
ReadJohn Charles Ryle (JR), was born in 1816 and after his conversion served as a minister of a number of Anglican parishes. He was appointed as the first bishop of Liverpool in 1880 and remained in this office until shortly before his death in 1900. He is probably best known for his Expository Thoughts on the […]
ReadYou may be an evangelical and be an Anglican, Baptist, Presbyterian, Brethren or other. You may be Calvinist or Arminian. But we generally need more agreement on points of theology and worship if we are to live and serve together as a church. One of the ways in which churches identify themselves is by calling […]
ReadIn 1662, Thomas Watson was ejected from the Church of England along with 2000 other ministers of the gospel. As a result he and they faced many difficulties, hardships and trials. However, it is noteworthy that in the following year Watson published the volume mentioned above under the original title, A Divine Cordial.1In it, he sought […]
ReadPaul and the Law: Keeping the Commandments of God Brian S. Rosner, Principal of Ridley Melbourne, delivered the inaugural Leon Morris Memorial Lecture on 27 June at the College, where Leon Morris had been Principal from 1964 to 1979. Fittingly, the lecture brought resolution to what some have seen as a conflict between Law and […]
ReadThis is an extract from a Roundtable Discussion involving some of the faculty of Calvin Seminary: Darwin Glassford – professor of Church Education, Howard Vanderwell – Adjunct Professor of Worship, and John Witvliet – Professor of Worship. CHAIRMAN: Parents may be wondering, ‘Will our children have faith?’ What encouragement would you give to parents in […]
ReadThe Act of Uniformity of 1662 prescribed that any minister in England who refused to conform to the Book of Common Prayer by 14th August 1662 would be ejected from the Church of England. Over 2,000 evangelical ministers left their livings rather than conform to what they saw as extra-biblical rules and regulations. It was […]
ReadThe love of Christ controls me (2 Corinthians 5:14). How did the Apostle Paul do it? How did he maintain his zeal for the kingdom of God? After his conversion experience on the road to Damascus, he found out from Ananias, to whom Jesus had spoken, that he would suffer greatly for the sake of preaching […]
ReadIain Murray has done the rising generation of Christians a great service, in making available this ‘re-cast, condensed and in part re-written version’1 of the longer two-volume biography of 1982 and 1990.2 The Life of Martyn Lloyd-Jones is essential reading for anyone who wants to understand the main events and issues which faced English-speaking Christianity in […]
ReadA report given at the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland, May 2013. China is a vast country, and a country of vast contrasts. There are peasant farmers and billionaire IT entrepreneurs; sophisticated Shanghai and the wilds of the Gobi desert; there are Buddhists, Daoists, Christians, Muslims, and those who follow no formal […]
ReadHear, O Lord, when I cry with my voice, and be gracious to me and answer me. When Thou didst say, ‘Seek My face,’ my heart said to Thee, ‘Thy face, O Lord, I shall seek’ (Psalm 27:7-8). Sarah Butin, an eighteen year old recent high school graduate on her way to Furman University in the […]
ReadA brief account of the early life of this remarkable preacher, assembled by T. H. W. Scott. Lying, filthy talking, and foolish jesting I was much addicted to, even when very young. Sometimes I used to curse, if not swear. Stealing from my mother I thought no theft at all, and used to take money […]