
Open Your Mouth for the Dumb

Weight 0.14 lbs
Dimensions 7.25 × 4.8 × 0.2 in
ISBN 9781848710542

Booklet, eBook (ePub & Kindle), Booklet & eBook (ePub & Kindle)



Original Pub Date


Banner Pub Date

Feb 1, 2010

Page Count



Whole Bible





Book Description

In the wide range of contemporary moral debate the abortion question occupies a central place. To the majority of people today the termination of an unwanted pregnancy is regarded as a woman’s unquestionable right. But can this right ever take precedence over the unborn’s right to life?

In this booklet Peter Barnes argues for the biblical teaching that the unborn baby is in God’s image and so protected by the sixth commandment. He exhorts us to open our mouth for the dumb (Prov. 31:8).

Table of Contents Expand ↓

1 What Is Abortion All About? 7
2 Is There a Standard in Ethics? 19
3 Abortion in Light of God’s Word 27
4 Wounded Women 35
5 The Central Issue 49


Submit your testimonial

  1. James Hardy

    This is a superb scholarly defence of orthodox christian opposition to abortion. This is Reformed Apologetics at its very best. It is studded with biblical, historical, Church, and wider literature references. The writing quality is first rate with passion and fire for the theme evident. The writer has clearly done his research over a long period and cares deeply about the protection of the unborn child. The information packed into such a tiny and cheap volume is amazing. I think a First Class Stamp might suffice for mailing.

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