From Grief to Glory

Spiritual Journeys of Mourning Parents

Weight 0.5 lbs
Dimensions 7.13 × 4.75 × 0.55 in
ISBN 9780851519968

Paperback, eBook (ePub & Kindle), Paperback & eBook (ePub & Kindle)


Life Issues

Original Pub Date


Banner Pub Date

Aug 1, 2008

Page Count





There are few joys to match that which a child brings to a family. And even fewer sorrows that rival the pain of burying a child. James Bruce and his wife, Joni, knew that pain when their infant son died. They found comfort in the words of others who had known similar loss: fellow Christians such as martin Luther, Charles Spurgeon, and John Bunyan, who also wept and yet were comforted by the Father of mercies.

Their intimate, emotional expressions of pain, peace, and hope and their prevailing faith , are shared throughout these pages in both the short accounts and the eloquent poetry gathered here. If you or a loved one is walking through the valley of weeping – especially at the loss of a son or daughter , know that you are not alone, and let those who have come before remind you of your heavenly Father’s sovereign grace and the mystery of joy in the midst of suffering.’ — JONI EARECKSON TADA

I can say from the perspective of a pastor, that this book has significant value for ministering to Christians who have lost children. I have been moved to tears while reading it. The book is useful, among other reasons, simply in reminding us that so many of God’s faithful ministers have suffered in the same way.’ — JAMES M. BOICE

Book Description

There are few joys to match that which a child brings to a family. And even fewer sorrows that rival the pain of burying a child. James Bruce and his wife, Joni, knew that pain when their infant son died. They found comfort in the words of others who had known similar loss: fellow Christians such as Martin Luther, Charles Spurgeon, and John Bunyan, who also wept and yet were comforted by the Father of mercies.

Their intimate, emotional expressions of pain, peace, and hope- and their prevailing faith- are shared throughout these pages in both the short accounts and the eloquent poetry gathered here. If you or a loved one is walking through the valley of weeping- especially at the loss of a son or daughter- know that you are not alone, and let those who have come before remind you of your heavenly Father’s sovereign grace and the mystery of joys in the midst of suffering.

Table of Contents Expand ↓

Preface to the New Edition 9
Foreword 11
Prologue 13
1 The River Without a Bridge 33
2 A Father’s Last Embrace 43
3 The Cruel Destroyer 47
4 More Epitaphs 53
5 A Mother’s Moan 69
6 A Dagger of Ice 73
7 Not As I Will 85
8 More Tears 93
9 Sleeping in the Bosom of the Almighty 145
10 Weep Not 155
11 No More Crying: A Token for Children 165
12 Lessons in Sorrow 175
Epilogue 185
Appendix 195
Select Bibliography 211



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