None But Jesus

Selections from the writings of John Flavel

Weight 0.2 lbs
Dimensions 5.25 × 3.6 × 0.4 in
ISBN 9781848714076

Paperback, eBook (ePub & Kindle), Paperback & eBook (ePub & Kindle)


Jesus Christ

Original Pub Date


Banner Pub Date

Apr 4, 2014

Page Count





‘To read the work of a Puritan doctor of the soul is to enter a rich world of spiritual theology to feed the mind, heart-searching analysis to probe the conscience, Christ-centred grace to transform the heart, and wise counsel to direct the life. This series of Pocket Puritans provides all this in miniature, but also in abundance.’ — SINCLAIR B. FERGUSON

Book Description

C. H. Spurgeon said of Richard Sibbes, ‘He scatters pearls and diamonds with both hands’, and the same could be said of another well-known Puritan John Flavel. Flavel’s writings are full of pearls and diamonds. Here is one example: ‘Christ is bread to the hungry, water to the thirsty, a garment to the naked, healing to the wounded, and whatever a soul can desire is found in him.’ None But Jesus is full of thought-provoking quotations drawn from Flavel’s writings. Most focus on Jesus Christ, but they also include topics such as providence, conversion, suffering, heaven, and glory.


To read a choice selection of quotations from None but Jesus see this Banner article.



Submit your testimonial

  1. Matthew

    None But Jesus is a great little book. It truly is a pocket sized treasury of Christian meditations and illustrations. I try to keep it with me wherever I go, and I have found no inconvenience in keeping it on my person as I go about my day. I love reading this little treasure after taking walks.

    These are much more enriching and thoughtful than mere motivational quotes or collections of little thoughts for the day that you may find elsewhere. Flavel’s lines are indeed encouraging, but you will at once be struck with how deeply infused they are with real meaning and are wonderfully soaked with wisdom. Whenever you feel harried or distressed from the cares of your day to day, taking in a few pages of this will help to turn your mind towards Jesus Christ. I fully recommend this one for everyone.

  2. jstitzer30

    I don’t mean to sound irrelevant or “silly” in my mental and spiritual depiction on how I view this amazing little book however- I visualize Flavel as a mama bird chewing up Spiritual Meat from Holy Writ- then proceeding to take the “now” easily digestible morsels to feed an eager, hungry and inwardly ugly baby bird such as myself… I love how the Spirit stirs within me when Flavel presents spiritual truths in a humbling, clear and heartfelt way that makes me realize I’m not on an unknown walk with Christ- that my thoughts, my current perspectives, and even my doubts, are not foreign to anyone that is being, or has been led by God. It’s been countless times now that, after reading parts of this book, I have verbally said, “God is so AWESOME!” (Which has undoubtedly caught the attention of more than a few of my co-workers!)

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