The Holy Spirit
500 in stock
Weight | 0.52 lbs |
Dimensions | 7.13 × 4.75 × 0.55 in |
ISBN | 9781800402126 |
Binding | Paperback |
Topic | Conversion, Salvation, Spiritual Growth, The Holy Spirit, Sanctification |
Original Pub Date | 1674 |
Banner Pub Date | Jan 25, 2022 |
Page Count | 248 |
Format | Book |
Series | Puritan Paperbacks |
Book Description
Owen on the Holy Spirit, as this work has been known to generations of Christians, was written by the greatest theologian of the Puritan era. It is, without question, one of the truly great Christian books. Originally published in 1674 as Pneumatologia, or A Discourse Concerning the Holy Spirit, it is a massive work, taking up 650 pages in the Banner of Truth edition of Owen’s Works (volume 3).
It deals with the name, nature, personality, and operations of the Spirit, and urges the necessity of gospel holiness as distinct from mere human morality. The work is both doctrinal and pastoral in character. The very length and exhaustiveness of the original book could easily deter us from attempting to read it, but this abridged and modernised version, like the other Owen volumes in the Puritan Paperback series, will make Owen’s teaching more accessible to modern readers.
This edition has been abridged and made easy to read by Dr R. J. K. Law.
Table of Contents Expand ↓
Publisher's Preface | v | |
1 | The Work of the Holy Spirit | 1 |
2 | The Spirit of God | 6 |
3 | How the Holy Spirit Comes to Us and Does His Work | 11 |
4 | The Special Preparatory Works of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament | 14 |
5 | The Work of the Holy Spirit in the New Creation | 19 |
6 | The Holy Spirit and the Human Nature of Christ | 22 |
7 | The Work of the Holy Spirit on the Mystical Body of Christ, His Church | 35 |
8 | The Holy Spirit's Work of Regeneration | 43 |
9 | How the Holy Spirit Prepares a Soul for His Work of Regeneration | 52 |
10 | How the Mind is Corrupted and Depraved by Sin | 56 |
11 | Natural and Spiritual Death Compared | 67 |
12 | Regeneration Itself | 76 |
13 | The Work of Conversion | 94 |
14 | The Nature of Sanctification and Gospel Holiness | 99 |
15 | Sanctification a Lifelong Work | 105 |
16 | Believers Only are Sanctified | 114 |
17 | The Work of Sanctification Itself | 121 |
18 | The Work of the Spirit in Purging Believers from Sin | 126 |
19 | The Work of the Spirit in Renewing the Spiritual Life of Believers | 136 |
20 | The Activities and Duties of Holiness | 155 |
21 | Dealing with Sin | 163 |
22 | The Necessity of Holiness | 179 |
23 | Election a Motive to Holiness | 188 |
24 | Commanded to be Holy | 195 |
25 | Holiness and the Work of Christ | 200 |
26 | Holiness in an Unholy World | 204 |
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Darelle Jean Gil –
This is the best book on the Holy Spirit I have ever read. I have marked and reviewed all the Scripture references and every point expands my knowledge of who the Holy Spirit is and what the Holy Spirit does.
Please reprint this book quickly. I commit to purchase 10 books if not more. This book needs to be in the hands of every believer. Thank you.