What Is An Evangelical?

Weight 0.2 lbs
Dimensions 7.13 × 4.75 × 0.3 in
ISBN 9780851516264

Paperback, eBook (ePub & Kindle), Paperback & eBook (ePub & Kindle)


General Theology, Church Issues/Unity

Original Pub Date


Banner Pub Date

Nov 09, 2015

Page Count





‘It is now forty-four years since these addresses were given and twenty-three years since the publication of this book. It is impossible to miss just how prophetic Lloyd-Jones’ observations proved to be.’ — ALISTAIR BEGG

‘Should be read by everyone who would lay claim to that name.’– EVANGELICAL REVIEW OF THEOLOGY

Book Description

After many years of leadership in the work of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students, Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones became deeply concerned with what he believed to be subtle but real shifts in commitment to the biblical gospel. His three addresses at the I.F.E.S. Conference in 1971 drew attention to this. In them he indicated the reasons for his misgivings, gave an exposition of the true nature of evangelicalism and reemphasised the foundation stones on which it was built.

These addresses lay unpublished for almost two decades. Today, forty years later, much of what Dr Lloyd-Jones emphasised then reads like a prophecy of the future direction evangelicals would take during the years that followed. His comments are as trenchantly relevant for the twenty-first century as they were for the 1970s. If anything, his message is all the more urgent.

This material is extracted from ‘Knowing the Times‘, a selection of addresses by Dr. Lloyd-Jones during the years 1942-1977, also published by the Banner of Truth Trust.

Table of Contents Expand ↓

The Constant Necessity for Definition 8
Recent History and Changes 13
Re-examining Our Name 16
The Danger of Wrong Divisions 18
Succumbing to the Ecumenical Spirit 22
'The Holy Spirit, Not Doctrine' 26
Non-Evangelical Opposition to Ecumenicism 29
Guiding Principles: (1) The Preservation of the Gospel 34
Guiding Principles: (2) Learning from History 35
Guiding Principles: (3) Maintaining Negatives 37
Guiding Principles: (4) No Subtractions or Additions 39
Evangelical Priorities 42
Watchfulness 43
Distrust of Reason 44
The Place of Reason 49
Other Marks of an Evangelical 51
Uppermost Concerns 56
Foundational and Secondary Truths 64
Justifying a Vital Distinction 65
The Necessity of Opposition to Doctrinal Indifferentism 68
Scripture: The Only and Full Authority 69
Creation, Not Evolution 74
The Fall and Evil 79
One Way of Salvation 82
The Church: Contemporary Issues 83
Secondary Truths Not Essential to Unity 85


Submit your testimonial

  1. Brian K. Young

    I first read this when I read DMLJ’s Knowing The Times. This collection of messages started me reading much more by Lloyd-Jones over the years. I was pleased to see the release of What Is An Evangelical as a separate title, and have given copies of it to others. I believe he really captures what Evangelicalism is (or should be) about. One factor he includes, which is not always included by other writers, is that evangelicals will always take a great interest in true revival. Recommended.

  2. Andrew Young

    This book contains three messages by Dr. Lloyd-Jones, originally given to the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students in 1971. Taking the verses from Jude 1-3 as his text he shows Christians the need to be contending for the true Christian Gospel. He encourages evangelical Christians to seek fellowship only with other true believers, and describes where this practice has been lost over the years. For instance, he points out the rise of emphasis on experience, rather than doctrine.
    He shows when it is right to separate from others who deny key Christian truths – e.g the inspiration of the Word of God, the way of salvation etc. He also shows when it is still possible to have fellowship with Christians who may disagree on what he calls ‘secondary matters’ which are not essential to salvation. These include the mode of baptism, views on end-time prophecy, and calvinism and arminianism.
    Although these messages were preached many years ago, they are still so relevant for evangelical Christians today. The messages are thought-provoking and a timely message for the church. The three addresses can also be found in the more extensive work by Lloyd-Jones entitled ‘Knowing the Times.’

  3. Richard Elder

    Just shy of 100 pages, an excellent book that can be read in a weekend. It was very clear, concise and easy to absorb. I like the point that it’s not what these other teachers are saying as much as it is what they are not saying. I’m going to try and get my hands on more copies of this book to give to my church members.

  4. Bill Milam

    I just finished this rich work by MLJ. Had this been available to me as a new believer it would have steered me clear of many theological and doctrinal misunderstandings. At a time when many evangelicals shy away from being called such because of the definition having become too broad, MLJ delineates the essentials and non-essentials in a very clear and understandable manner. I highly recommend to new and mature believers, whether to instruct or confirm.

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