D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

2 Volume Set

Look Inside Price Original price was: $65.00.Current price is: $58.50.

500 in stock

Weight 3.98 lbs
Dimensions 8.8 × 5.75 × 3.5 in
ISBN 9780851517292



20th century, Pastoral Biography

Original Pub Date


Banner Pub Date

Jun 1, 1990

Page Count





‘If D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones’ life were a novel it would be panned by critics as too unrealistic. Because his life is a historical reality we are left to wonder at the providential energy that could have effected such an astonishing career. …This book is an electrifying apologetic for the powerfully theologized pulpit emphases of the Reformers and Puritans.’ — CHRISTIANITY TODAY

‘This provides great encouragement and instruction for pastors seeking a ministry given to scriptural and doctrinal edification of the Bride of Christ.’ — TOM NETTLES

‘The two-volume biography of Martyn Lloyd- Jones, the most powerful twentieth-century influence on my life.’ — MICHAEL HAYKIN

Book Description

When Martyn Lloyd-Jones, physician, preacher and Christian Leader, died in 1981, after more then 40 years in London, few knew the remarkable story of his formative earlier years which, in the authorised biography, is now told for the first time. From his rural Welsh background to St Bartholomew’s Hospital (where at the age of 23 he was Chief Clinical Assistant to Sir Thomas Horder, the King’s Physician), then, suddenly at 27, to a struggling Calvinistic Methodist Church in Aberavon, South Wales, he appears successively as schoolboy, dairyman’s assistant, political enthusiast, debater, doctor, and finally Christian preacher.

Some regarded his change of career as romantic, others as foolish. The one thing of which Dr Lloyd-Jones was sure was that his settlement amid the industrial depression of South Wales was no sacrifice: ‘I gave up nothing. I received everything. I count it the highest honour God can confer on any man to call to be herald of the gospel’.

Volume 1 traces the unforgettable events of his first pastorate, his wider ministry in Wales (where, by 1933, the press reported, ‘he draws thousands to hear his message in all parts of the Principality’), his first visits to North America, and finally his settlement at Westminster Chapel, London,on the eve of World War II. While some saw him as ‘the modern Moody’, and others as ‘the last of the Calvanistic preachers’, Iain H. Murray’s work makes constant use of the hitherto unpublished material, and is able to present Dr Lloyd-Jones’ own view of his life and ministry.

Volume 2 contains much source material now in print for the first time and will be a primary text on evangelicalism in the twentieth century. At all vital points Iain Murray, the authorised biographer, is able to give his subjects own understanding of what happened. But neither public ministry nor controversy dominate the story. There is much on Martyn Lloyd-Jones’ personal life. The foremost impression left is of the overruling of divine providence and of the spiritual grace which shown in him as a Christian. Though in the eyes of the other Christians he was ‘full of faith and of the Holy Spirit’, yet in his own eyes he was, ‘ nothing but an old sinner saved by the grace of God’.


The Single-Mindedness of the Ministry of D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones


Submit your testimonial

  1. Blake

    These two volumes are a great blessing to the Church (and have blessed me in particular tremendously), as they provide a compelling record of a man who was to the 20th century what Whitefield was to the 18th. Though lengthy, these volumes confirmed in me the conviction that God can still raise up faithful men in this modern world, who do not compromise on the Gospel and have a living, vibrant faith with Jesus Christ. I heartily recommend this work in particular to those already in or entering the ministry, in the hopes that such individuals will seek to to imitate Dr. Lloyd-Jones in his focus to proclaim Christ and his zeal for God.

  2. Christa Selig

    These two blessed volumes introduced me to Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Iain Murray, and Banner of Truth books, of which I am now an avid reader. It is not an overestimation or hyperbole for me to say that these two volumes literally changed my life. I had been a Roman Catholic for 50 years, which is to say all of my life–indeed, I was even the assistant to a bishop–when truly, the grace of the Holy Spirit must have led me to this biography. I had seen my fair share of corruption in the Church, but I really didn’t know where to turn, as I really had once believed that the Catholic Church was the true church founded by Christ. I was totally ignorant of the Reformation, for I had always focused on the word “Protestant,” as in “protest,” and had not given enough thought to the word “reform” in “Reformation.”

    Iain Murray and Martyn Lloyd-Jones came to be voices I could trust as I began to wade my way through the initially overwhelming world of Protestantism and Evangelicalism and sort out the trustworthy from the noise. That was last summer, a year ago. How very much has taken place in my soul since then, during the past year. I’m now halfway through Dr. Lloyd-Jones’ series on Romans, which has changed everything for me.

    My degree is in literature, and I have a particular and critial interest in biography. I’ve now read several of Rev. Murray’s biographies and books and am eager to read everything he has written. They have opened up an entirely new world for me, a world of which I was completely ignorant as a Roman Catholic. I am also a subscriber to Banner of Truth magazine and am now delving into the Puritans, which has opened up another entire new world for me of which I was completely ignorant as a Roman Catholic.

    Rev. Murray’s biography of Dr. Lloyd-Jones has given me a fuller, more rounded appreciation of the man as I read his expositions of Romans, Ephesians, and other written works and listen to his sermons. Rev. Murray is a gifted biographer, and his talents have produced much fruit for the church. He has a penetrating, perceptive, discerning, sensitive, and yet critical insight, and I have come to trust his judgment very deeply. I’ve heard him speak, and I appreciate his quiet way, but there’s a backbone behind that quiet voice, a deep conviction.

    I cannot recommend Martyn Lloyd-Jones highly enough to readers, and this biography is a wonderful introduction to the man. Rev. Murray well blends theology, spiritual insight, and just the right telling anecdote or personal detail to bring to life Dr. Lloyd-Jones for those of us who never had the opportunity to meet him or hear him. Dr. Lloyd-Jones’ life has been a blessing and a guidepost for me. I just cannot recommend this biography highly enough.

  3. Martijn de Groot

    Very surprising to read in volume 1 that the famous Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones started his ministry as a simple evangelist in Wales. And in a sense he remained an evangelist until his death. Lloyd-Jones said he regrettably never saw a revival in his life – where he was so intensely desiring for. But what happened in Aberavon came very near to what we call a revival, I think it actually was a revival! You can read about it in the first part of this biography.

    Maybe you have read a couple of books of Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones and you wonder why he emphasizes this or that topic. In volume 2 you can read in what kind of fight he was engaged, a fight of faith. What struck me the most while reading this book, is the lonely position of Lloyd-Jones in his own time. He stood, where many fell. And we still reap the benefits of his standing for the Truth. I think this is one of the reasons why John MacArthur says: “When the final chapter of church history is written, I believe the Doctor will stand as one of the greatest preachers of all time.”

  4. Stephen Smith

    These two volumes constitute the authorised biography of one of the greatest leaders of the church.

    Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones was born in Cardiff, Wales in 1899. He trained at St Bartholomew’s Hospital – one of the greatest medical institutions in Britain. He studied under Sir Thomas Horder – one of the most brilliant medical men at St Bartholomew’s.

    As a young man, Dr Lloyd-Jones came under the conviction of sin and saw his need of a Saviour. Although a brilliant medical man, he saw that mans real problem was spiritual not medical. Man needs to be reconciled to God. The conviction of Dr Lloyd-Jones that mans major problem is spiritual led to a major decision – he would leave medicine with all its privileges and honour and become a preacher of the gospel.

    His first pastorate was in the poverty-stricken town of Port Talbot, Wales in 1927. The same year he married Bethan Phillips – herself a medically qualified professional. God greatly blessed this ministry in Port Talbot and many were brought to faith in Christ. The biography details many amazing conversions from drunkenness, profanity and the like.

    In 1938 Dr Lloyd-Jones became minister of Westminster Chapel in London alongside Campbell Morgan.

    Volume 2 “The fight of faith” continues the story. World War 2 created trying circumstances for the ministry at Westminster Chapel. Reduced church numbers and reduced church funds meant it was difficult to sustain two ministers. Eventually Campbell Morgan retired and Dr Lloyd-Jones became the sole minister until 1968.

    After World War 2, Dr Lloyd-Jones main priority was to build up the congregation at Westminster Chapel. He did this through doctrinal and expository preaching. He upheld the authority of the Bible believing it is “living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword” (Heb 4:12).

    Dr Lloyd-Jones also ran a Friday evening fellowship where he encouraged people to carefully think through doctrine and also practical aspects of Christianity. However in 1952 he changed the format and gave a series of lectures on Bible doctrines which were a blessing to many. These lectures have been formatted into a book “Great Doctrines of the Bible” (Crossway Books) which are highly recommended. He followed this with his powerful lectures on the book of Romans.

    Chapter 13, Sunday mornings in the 1950’s gives an insight into how Dr Lloyd-Jones led the worship services. Dr Lloyd-Jones used a traditional Reformed liturgy which gave coherence to the whole service. Scripture readings, prayers and hymns were just as important as the preaching of the scriptures.

    In 1959 Dr Lloyd-Jones preached his classic services on Revival. He held to the classic view of Revival, namely that Revival is a sovereign work of the Holy Spirit, not something created or “worked up” by man.

    Dr Lloyd-Jones retired as minister at Westminster Chapel and carried on an itinerant pastoral and preaching ministry until 1980. He died in London in 1981 and was buried in his beloved Wales.

    The final chapter, “the best of men” summarises the significance of Dr Lloyd-Jones as a man and also why his ministry was so effective. He was a very gifted man with a mind of enormous capacity and energy. Often men see issues in fragmented parts but Dr Lloyd-Jones was often able to see the whole and put details in their proper perspective. Divine providence also guided him so that he continued to promote the sovereignty of God in his ministry and steer people away from error. Finally and very importantly, Dr Lloyd-Jones was a spiritually mature and godly man – indeed a spiritual giant.

    The book contains 6 appendices containing various theological issues plus guidance on reading Dr Lloyd-Jones sermons.

    This is an outstanding biography and will have a tremendous blessing on the readers theological and spiritual understanding. To get maximum benefit from it, one should read it multiple times. It is worth it!! Dr Lloyd-Jones sermons are highly recommended and can be found at the Martyn Lloyd-Jones Recordings Trust – the official website for the Doctor’s sermons http://www.mljtrust.org/sermons/

  5. Jacob Roy

    MLJ’s life, of course, lights a flame in the heart of any aspiring preacher; but the most distinguishing impression his life makes upon any reader is his godliness and utter concern for the Lord above all else. Great as a preacher as he was, his life out-preached any sermon he ever delivered. MLJ’s 81 years of life, in essence, were a continual testimony to the question, “What is a Christian?”. Due to his unique relationship with MLJ, Murray gives a perspective of these pivotal years in his life that no other author could. Don’t let the size of these two volumes overwhelm you–I’d easily have signed up for another 1100 pages!

  6. Thomas Suber

    My grandmother kept a full two shelves of her library dedicated to Martyn Lloyd-Jones her whole life. Needless to say, I had been reading MLJ for years before I read this biography. I think that because this biography was written by an eye witness to MLJ’s life, it is an excellent source of interaction for who MLJ was as a Person. I would say, that after having read it, it positively impacted the way I read Jones’s sermons ever since. I would heartily recommend this biography to anyone who delights in digging in deep to a series of MLJ sermons. —I cannot wait to meet him one day in glory!

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