John MacArthur

Servant of the Word and Flock

Weight 1.02 lbs
Dimensions 8.8 × 5.75 × 0.9 in
ISBN 9781848711129

Cloth-bound, eBook (ePub & Kindle), Cloth-bound & eBook (ePub & Kindle)


Today, Pastoral Biography

Original Pub Date


Banner Pub Date

May 1, 2011

Page Count




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‘A great contemporary piece on a champion of God’s word today.’ — MARK DEVER

‘John MacArthur is that increasingly rare phenomenon: the pastor of a large church who does not appear to care particularly about what the wider world thinks of him. He is also a man who has pastored his church for many decades. Frankly, he is also the kind of man you want on your side in a fight: apparently fearless and utterly reliable. As such, he is surely a great role model for younger pastors. MacArthur is simply not one to be swayed by the spirit of the age. This book by Iain Murray is a fine tribute to the man, giving the reader some idea of what it means to be an undershepherd who strives to remain faithful to his LORD over many years of ministry. This is a great little book for pastors and aspiring pastors, and will be read with great profit by any who pick it up.’ — CARL TRUEMAN

‘I heartily recommend the reading of this book to any Christian. It would be a good gift for any young man called to the ministry or for any pastor.’ — MACK TOMLINSON

‘Speaking personally, I can attest that I enjoyed this book thoroughly. It moved me to praise and gratitude—gratitude to God for blessing the church with this man whose ministry has so powerfully impacted not only the thousands who call him pastor, but the millions who have encountered him largely or exclusively through his books, his sermons or his radio program.’ — TIM CHALLIES

‘The life of John MacArthur is quite an eye-opener on contemporary Christianity in the USA. A prolific author who received national or even international attention in the controversy that a book of his commenced on the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Who was he? What was his background? How did he build up this mega-church in Los Angeles? Could a commitment to the doctrines of grace be so blessed not just with the growth of a congregation but a growing seminary and college, and the professions of faith of multitudes of people? How is it that this church sells more free grace books than almost any other in the world? Iain Murray answers many of these questions in this sparkling volume.’– GEOFF THOMAS

‘As a college student in the 1970’s, John MacArthur’s verse-by-verse expository ministry had a life-changing and ministry-shaping impact on my life. Iain Murray’s biography of MacArthur is an inspiration to all who are eager to learn how God can use a simple biblical ministry to build Christ’s gospel kingdom.’– TERRY JOHNSON

‘In classic Murray style, the spiritual pulse-beat of MacArthur’s life and ministry is carefully narrated in this fast-paced biographical study. Sympathetic in portrayal, while at points graciously critical, Murray’s biography offers the first-ever account of MacArthur’s life, theological convictions, and principled churchmanship as it has come to expression in his calling as a husband, father, pastor, preacher, author, and educator. Murray’s work is an indispensable guide for those wishing to learn more about a man whose life has been devoted to the faithful preaching and application of God’s word in our generation.’ — JAMES M. GARRETSON

‘Some of my doctrinal commitments as a Reformed and Presbyterian minister will differ from John MacArthur’s. Nevertheless, there is much to learn from his extraordinary life and ministry. Indeed, I am grateful for his decades-long, no-frills, steadfast example of pastoral ministry , especially his commitment to, and confidence in, the preaching of God’s holy and efficacious Word. John MacArthur: Servant of the Word and Flock is yet another outstanding biography from one of finest Christian biographers of our time.’ — JON PAYNE

‘I heartily commend this book. Add it to your summer reading or your list of biographies worth enjoying.’ — THABITI ANYABWILE

Book Description

Through more than forty years, John MacArthur has opened and taught the Word of God in one local congregation, Grace Community Church, Los Angeles. Consequences have followed which no one anticipated, and which the preacher attributes to ‘the sovereign hand of God’. A people united to Christ, and to their pastor, became a channel for blessing across the earth. It has been a ministry marked by characteristics that re-appear in every spiritual advance- not concern for ‘relevance’; not special attractions for young or old, male or female; but love for God and dependence on his Word and promises. MacArthur has proved, without ever intending to do so, that true preaching of the Word of God is international, ‘because if you teach the Bible it transcends every border, every language, every culture. It is as relevant today, and will be tomorrow, as in all the years since God put it down.’ That is why his sermons are heard or read in more than two hundred countries around the world today.

But this is also a human story, including the shaping of his youth, the strength of marriage and family, the refining influence of trials and controversies, and the building of a man whose staff have never known him to be angry. There are friends who, for all their love of his ministry, say his life is his best sermon.



Submit your testimonial

  1. Ben House

    This book is as enjoyable as it is convicting. Iain Murray always does great biographical studies. This one is unusual in that it focuses on a pastor and writer who is still living. Much of the resurgence of Reformed theology in our day is due to men like MacArthur who are preaching the doctrines of grace from the pulpit and who are doing expository preaching from the Bible.

  2. Alex

    I am exposed to reformed theology thanks to the boldness of Dr MacArthur in exposing error (strange fire). Excellent presentation on Pneumatology led me to his international ministry (Grace to You), exposed to expository preaching first hand, and my friends know that I love JMac so much that they bought me this book.

    Too bad I finished it within few days. Very encouraging as a Christian biography, and mind you he is still doing preaching week after week (this year 77) at Grace Church.

  3. Robert Norman

    A faithful man writing on a faithful man. What’s not to like?

  4. Yassine

    This was my first Iain Murray penned biography. I should say sketch to stay in line with the author’s intent. I really enjoyed this book and although I already knew a lot about the subject matter beforehand, I discovered many new details I did not know but most of all, I greatly benefited spiritually from this read. Seeing past the man and learning important spiritual lessons that confirmed and reinforced my convictions. I look forward to reading more from the same author, an example of grace and tenderness in his own right, by the grace of God.

  5. Enrike Lopez

    John MacArthur is a servant of the Christ our Savior, is with this blessings that we have been blessed in the XXI century when a number of false thinking is on the air of the modern church. We pray and praise the Lord for this kind of Pastors to be address on the office of His body the Church for is indeed necessary for the flock in all matter of the Holy Word and Banner of the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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