Robert Murray M‘Cheyne

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Weight 0.6 lbs
Dimensions 7.13 × 4.75 × 0.65 in
ISBN 9780851510859



Pastoral Biography

Original Pub Date


Banner Pub Date

Nov 1, 1960

Page Count





‘This is that rare type of biography in which the subject is allowed to speak for himself in his own way and M’Cheyne’s oft-quoted prayer: “Lord, make me as holy as a pardoned sinner can be made” casts its hallowed breath over every page.’ — R. A. FINLAYSON

‘This is one of the best and most profitable volumes ever published. The memoir of such a man ought surely to be in the hands of every Christian and certainly every preacher of the Gospel.’ — C.H. SPURGEON

‘Robert Murray M’Cheyne’s biography written by his friend Andrew Bonar is one of my most treasured possessions and has been a companion throughout almost all of my Christian life. M’Cheyne died when he was twenty nine, but his life story has been for me personally a model of grace, and his ministry pattern a model for service. It is a book every young Christian man should read—more than once.’ — SINCLAIR B. FERGUSON

‘In living and dying in the morning of life, M’Cheyne kissed the Rose and felt the thorn. His supreme joy was to know Christ. He lived in fellowship with Jesus through the word and prayer. And the thorn of his suffering intensified and purified that fellowship so that we are still being inspired by it 168 years later.’ — JOHN PIPER

Book Description

The life and ministry of a young man who lived in the presence of God, and brought an overwhelming sense of that presence to men.

Table of Contents Expand ↓

Introduction vii
1 His Youth, and Preparation for the Ministry 1
2 His Labours in the Vineyard Before Ordination 49
3 First Years of Labour in Dundee 81
4 His Mission to Palestine and the Jews 129
5 Days of Revival 177
6 The Latter Days of His Ministry 219


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  1. Andrew Young

    This is an excellent biography of Robert Murray M’Cheyne, written soon after his death by his close friend Andrew Bonar. In it we are taken through the life of M’Cheyne, from his time as a student under Thomas Chamers, his conversion to Christ while a student, his ministry at St Peter’s church in Dundee, his heart and burden for the people’s salvation, his mission to the Jews, and finally his death at the relatively young age of 29. What we learn, however, is that it is not length of life that is most important, but rather the quality of a life lived for God.

    It has been said that following McCheyne’s death in 1843, Bonar wrote this account of his life. Fifty years later the short biography had achieved far more than McCheyne could ever have done, had he lived for that period of time! It’s a book that still is making an impact on people today. Any Christian reading it should be challenged towards a closer walk with their Lord. They ought to echo McCheyne’s prayer to be ‘as holy as a saved sinner can be.’ I cannot recommend this book highly enough.

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