Originally published: 1600s
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- 1672 (actually 1868)
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- 1680 (actually 1866)
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- 1689
- 1689 (actually 1826)
- 1691
- 1692
- 1693
- 1696 (preached 1682-1686)
- 1698
Showing 25–36 of 154 resultsSorted by latest
Watson’s fine exposition shows the rich provision made in the Supper for all believers, and lays bare the emptiness of mere sacramentalism. 96pp.
In this exposition of Philippians 1:23, Baxter provides much needed counsel, strength and comfort. 144pp.
Apostasy from the Gospel
The Nature and Causes
An abridgement of Owen’s powerful teaching on the possibility that not all ‘professing’ Christians may prove to be true Christians. 184pp.
Watson explains, from Romans 8:28, how the best and worst experiences work for the good of God’s people. 128pp.
Book Description John Bunyan is known across the English-speaking world as the author of The Pilgrim’s Progress. But who was Bunyan, and what was it that provided him with the stimulus and inspiration to write that most revered and well-loved of allegories? The answer can, in part, be found in Grace Abounding, for it is […]
Book Description ‘Published the year after his Pilgrim’s Progress, in 1679, Bunyan’s Treatise on the Fear of God takes a widely misunderstood and neglected theme, wipes off the grime of confusion, and lets it sparkle. And sparkle really is the word: where most assume that the fear of God must be the gloomy theological equivalent […]
Endorsements ‘It is a masterpiece of piety and genius; and will, we doubt not, be of standing use to the people of God so long as the sun and moon endure.’ — A. M. TOPLADY ‘Read anything of his, and you will see that it is almost like reading the Bible itself. He had read […]
‘The best thought-breeder in all our library’ — Spurgeon. 1240pp.
A Heavenly Conference
between Christ and Mary
Endorsement ‘Christians today need not only the truth and comfort Sibbes offers here; they need his heartfelt delight so that they live for no other end than the very glory of God.’ — MICHAEL REEVES Book Description A Heavenly Conference is Richard Sibbes’ exposition of the memorable meeting that took place on the first Easter […]
Los Diez Mandamientos
The Ten Commandments
Book Description En este libro Thomas Watson continúa su exposición del Catecismo Menor elaborado por la Asamblea de Westminster. Watson fue uno de los predicadores más populares de Londres durante la era puritana. Sus escritos se caracterizan por la claridad, raciness y riqueza espiritual. La serie de tres volúmenes, de los cuales éste es el […]
The Beatitudes
An exposition of Matthew 5:1-10
Endorsements ‘What announces itself as an exposition of Matthew 5:1-10 turns out to be a digest of all the central Puritan teaching on the Christian life. The Beatitudes are treated as mineshafts into the whole economy of grace , as indeed they are.’ — J.I. PACKER Book Description The opening verses of the best-known of all […]
Showing 25–36 of 154 resultsSorted by latest