Devotional Books & Daily Readings

The books found on this page include shorter meditations on God that are meant to be read daily. Like all Banner of Truth books, they are founded on God’s Word, teach a robust theology, with warm devotional insight. After all, all study of God should lead to the worship of God. Some notable titles on this page include The Loveliness of Christ by Samuel Rutherford, Voices from the Past by Richard Rushing, and the best-selling devotional, The Valley of Vision, edited by Arthur Bennett.

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Our Daily Food

or Portions for the Lord's Household


price $15.00


Book Description James Smith of Cheltenham is perhaps not a name you know. If you have seen it before, it may have been in a few particular places. You may have noticed a collection of devotions called The Believer’s Daily Remembrancer, one of the few productions of his pen still more or less available. You […]

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