$5 Books

Welcome to the $5 Books page! Updated bi-weekly, this page features five books for just $5 each. Check back often to view the current selection! These are quality resources that continue to be helpful in promoting biblical Christianity—for only $5. Happy reading!

Confesión de Fe de Westminster

Confesión de Fe de Westminster

Catecismo Menor de Westminster y algunos credos

price Original price was: $12.00.Current price is: $5.00.


»El fin principal del hombre es glorificar a Dios y gozar de Él para siempre« —Catecismo Menor de Westminster A través de esta nueva edición de la Confesión de Fe de ‌Westminster, y su respectivo Catecismo Menor, queremos invitar al pueblo cristiano hispano a continuar profundizando en aquellas verdades doctrinales que han llevado a la […]

image of confessing the faith spanish edition

La Fe Que Confesamos

Confessing the Faith

by Chad Van Dixhoorn

price From: $15.00
Avg. Rating


Descripción del libro (Book Description) En La Fe que Confesamos, Chad Van Dixhoorn ofrece una mirada fresca de un estamento clásico de la fe reformada. Este trabajo accesible, bíblico y reflexivo digiere años de estudio y enseñanza en secciones pequeñas. La Fe que Confesamos, al desafiar nuestros corazones y mentes, espera edificar e instruir tanto […]

The Bible Mini-Guide by Derek Thomas

The Bible

God’s Inerrant Word

by Derek Thomas

price From: $11.50


Book Description This mini-guide to the Bible provides an entry point for those who know little about the ‘Book of books’; but it does so in a way that encourages those who know it better to explore it more fully. Banner Mini-Guides Banner Mini-Guides introduce the reader to some of the major themes and issues […]


La Soberanía De Dios

Sovereignty of God, The

by A. W. Pink

price Original price was: $10.00.Current price is: $5.00.


Book Description La doctrina de la soberanía de Dios no es un mero dogma metafísico sin ningún valor práctico, sino una enseñanza destinada a influir poderosamente en el carácter cristiano y en el andar de cada día. La doctrina de la soberanía de Dios es básica dentro de la teología cristiana, y su importancia quizá […]

image of the book 'Mysterious Ways' by David Kingdon

Mysterious Ways

The Providence of God in the Life of Joseph

by David P. Kingdon

price From: $13.00


The Providence of God in the Life of Joseph’. 112pp.

The Hand of God by Frederick Leahy

Hand of God

The Comfort of Having a Sovereign God

by Frederick Leahy

price From: $13.50


The author’s last book, written to show the relevance of the Bible’s teaching on the sovereignty of God to the lives of all men and women. 224pp.

Accuracy of Translation by Robert Martin

Accuracy of Translation

The Primary Criterion in Evaluating Bible Versions with special reference to the New International Version

by Robert P. Martin

price Original price was: $9.00.Current price is: $5.00.
Avg. Rating


In the book, Accuracy of Translation, Robert Martin describes how contemporary bookstores are flooded with a wide variety of translations of the Bible. 95pp.