Published: 1995
Showing all 6 results
El Evangelio De Hoy- ¿Autético o sintético?
Today's Gospel
Book Description ‘Las diferencias entre la mayoria del evangelio que se predica hoy y el de Jesus no son menores; son enormes. Los errores principales no son en el enfasis o en el enfoque sino en el mensaje central del Evangelio. Si hay deficiencia en alguna de las areas mencionadas en estas paginas es asunto […]
Spurgeon vs. Hyper-Calvinism
The Battle For Gospel Preaching
Elaborates the issues involved in ‘The Battle for Gospel Preaching’ between Spurgeon and fellow Baptists of Hyper-Calvinistic views. 184pp.
Singing In The Fire
Christians in Adversity
The reality of the faith that carries Christians victoriously through trials is brought home through 14 short biographies. 208pp. Illustrated.
An introduction to the literature and message of the Old Testament. 320pp.
By appealing to the facts of history, the author refutes the claims of the Church of Rome. 256pp.
Stirring mini-biographies of the Christian heroes of Scotland from the 1520s to the ‘killing times’ of the 1680s. 672pp.
Showing all 6 results