Published: 1997

cover image for 'Coming to Faith in Christ'
price From: $2.00
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A straightforward summary of the Christian gospel. 16pp.

Let’s Study Philippians by Sinclair Ferguson
price Original price was: $13.00.Current price is: $11.70.


The Let’s Study series of commentaries are concerned with the ways in which the teaching of Scripture can affect and transform our lives today. Understanding the Bible’s message and applying its teaching are the aims—exposition of Scripture written in the language of a friend, seated alongside with an open Bible. A Group Study Guide is included in each volume.

price From: $16.20


Faith Cook has used unpublished and little-known sources to produce this comprehensive biography of the man of whom John Wesley said, ‘A few such as him would make a nation tremble. He carries fire wherever he goes.’ 368pp.

Just A Talker

Just A Talker

Sayings of John ('Rabbi') Duncan

by John M. Brentnall

price Original price was: $14.00.Current price is: $12.60.


Sayings of John ‘Rabbi’ Duncan under subject headings. 320pp.

Christ Triumphant by Raymond Zorn

Christ Triumphant

Biblical Perspectives on His Church and Kingdom

by Raymond O. Zorn

price Original price was: $25.00.Current price is: $22.50.


The biblical teaching on the kingdom of God and its relationship to the church. 264pp.

Sermons on Galatians by John Calvin
price Original price was: $36.00.Current price is: $32.40.


Calvin deals with the great evangelical themes found in Galatians in these sermons from 1557-58. Translated by Kathy Childress. 688pp.