Published: 2012

Cover Image of 'Christian Marriage'

Christian Marriage

From Basic Principles to Transformed Relationships

by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

price From: $7.65
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These eleven sermons on Ephesians 5:22-33 examine Christian marriage ‘from basic principles to transformed relationships’. 200pp.

The Baptist Confession of Faith 1689 - Gift Edition
price From: $7.00
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Based off of the Westminster Confession of the same century, this confession has served as a major creed for Reformed Baptists.

The History of Providence

The History of Providence

As Manifested in Scripture

by Alexander Carson

price From: $13.50


A subject of the deepest interest to the Christian.’ Takes the reader through the Scriptures and points to instances of God’s providence which will provide comfort for all true believers. 264pp.


Our Southern Zion

Old Columbia Seminary (1828-1927)

by David Calhoun

price From: $15.00
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Part collective biography and part narrative history, this book follows the story of Old Columbia Seminary during the years 1828-1927. 408pp.



His Arms Were Made Strong

by David Searle

price From: $12.75


Direct, refreshing and helpful lessons from the life of Joseph, spiritually beneficial to both young and old. 280pp.

Expository Thoughts on the Gospels by J. C. Ryle
price Original price was: $161.00.Current price is: $144.90.
Avg. Rating


A new, re-typeset, clothbound edition of Ryle’s popular expositional series on the Gospels. The Expository Thoughts can be used as a help in family worship, or as an aid in pastoral visitation, or simply as a companion to the Gospels in the private reading of Scripture. 288–432 pp. per volume.

Book Cover For 'Ernest Kevan'

Ernest Kevan

Leader in Twentieth Century British Evangelicalism

by Paul E Brown

price From: $12.00


A worthy memorial to a man who contributed enormously to the life and thought of English-speaking evangelicalism in the mid-twentieth century, by one of his former students at London Bible College. 312pp.

Christ is Best by Richard Sibbes

Christ is Best

or St. Paul's Straight

by Richard Sibbes

price From: $3.00


Endorsement ‘To read the work of a Puritan doctor of the soul is to enter a rich world of spiritual theology to feed the mind, heart-searching analysis to probe the conscience, Christ-centred grace to transform the heart, and wise counsel to direct the life. This series of Pocket Puritans provides all this in miniature, but […]

The Death of the Saviour by Richard Phillips

The Death of the Saviour

Studies in John's Gospel

by Richard D. Phillips

price From: $13.00


In seven short studies in the nineteenth chapter of John’s Gospel, the author takes a fresh look at the amazing story of the death of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. 104pp.

Princeton and the Work of the Christian Ministry Cover Image

Princeton and the Work of the Christian Ministry

2 Volume Set: A Collection of Addresses and Articles by Faculty and Friends of Princeton Theological Seminary

by James M. Garretson

price From: $30.00
Avg. Rating


An ‘instructive and insightful’ compendium, in two volumes, of addresses and articles by faculty and friends of Princeton Theological Seminary. With a Foreword by David B. Calhoun. 792 & 616pp.


Vamos a estudiar Hechos

Let's Study Acts

by Dennis E. Johnson

price Original price was: $13.00.Current price is: $11.70.


“Cada uno de los volúmenes de la serie Vamos a estudiar…debería estar presente en todo hogar cristiano que tome en serio el llegar a conocer la Palabra de Dios”. -Covenanter Witness. 461pp.

price Original price was: $12.00.Current price is: $10.80.


Book Description Una de las organizaciones fundadas por Charles Spurgeon fue el Pastor’s College (1856), que después adoptaría el nombre de Spurgeon College. Fue alli donde en 1865 inició unas conferencias anuales para pastores, doce de las cuales componen este libro. Spurgeon fue un evangelista que llevó a miles de personas a los pies del […]