Sermons on Galatians

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57 in stock

Weight 2.14 lbs
Dimensions 8.8 × 5.75 × 1.7 in
ISBN 9780851516998



Biblical Studies

Original Pub Date


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Dec 1, 1997

Page Count






Book Description

Kathy Childress, the translator from the original French of Calvin’s sermons on Galatians says, ‘Calvin exposes human nature with profound insight . . . he brings this world into sharp focus and enables us to see its frivolity. However, he does not leave us to wallow in despair, but points us to the Saviour . . . No sinner, having read these sermons, could mistake the remedy . . . The Lord Jesus Christ is the focal point . . . There is judgement here, enough to make the sinner quake with fear, but then there is also mercy to warm the heart and lift the fainting spirit’.

Table of Contents Expand ↓

Introduction ix
1. Recognising the Supreme Authority of Jesus Christ: 1:1-2
 2. The Blood That Cleanses All Our Sinful Stains: 1:3-5 17
 3. On Perverting the Gospel of Christ: 1:6-8 34
 4. Rooted in the Truth of God: 1:8-10 49
 5. Every Good Thing Proceeds From God's Grace: 1:11-14 64
 6. Paul's Call to Christ: 1:15-21 79
 7. A Total Resolve to Serve and Glorify God: 1:22-2:2 95
8. The Infiltration Which Corrupts the Truth of the Gospel: 2:3-5 110
 9. Unworthy Trophies of God's Mercy: 2:6-10 125
 10. Armed for the Fight Against Grave and Serious Error: 2:11-14 142
 11. Even Total Observance of the Law Cannot Justify: 2:14-16 156
 12. Justification is by Grace Alone: 2:15-16 172
 13. Dead to the Law, Alive to God: 2:17-20 187
 14. Redemption by the Son of God: 2:20-21 204
 15. The Sheer Folly of Disobeying God's Truth: 3:1-2 219
 16. The True Children of Abraham: 3:3-6 235
 17. The Impossibility of Keeping the Whole Law of God: 3:7-10 251
 18. We All Stand Condemned by the Law: 3:11-12 266
 19. When Curse Becomes Blessing: 3:13-18 283
 20. Salvation Has Always Been in Christ Alone: 3:15-18 297
 21. The Many Functions of God's Timeless Law: 3:11-20 312
 22. Assessing the Degrees of Faith: 3:21-25 325
 23. Baptism Means Robing Ourselves in Jesus Christ: 3:26-29 341
 24. Blessed More Than the Patriarchs: 4:1-4 355
 25. Crying Out to God in the Certainty of Our Adoption: 4:4-7 370
 26. Backsliders Have No Excuse: 4:8-10 385
 27. Profitable Exhortation: 4:11-14 399
 28. A Plain Rebuke For the Backslider: 4:15-20 415
 29. Freedom From the Bondage of the Law: 4:21-26 430
 30. On Discerning Who Belongs to the True Church: 4:26-31 444
 31. Absolved Only Through the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ: 5:1-3 458
 32. Not Ceremonies, but Faith Which Works by Love: 5:4-6 473
 33. Fighting to the End for God's Pure and Infallible Truth: 5:7-10 489
 34. The Zeal That Cuts Off God's Mortal Enemies: 5:11-13 503
 35. Spirit and Flesh in Conflict: 5:14-18 519
 36. The Spirituality of the Law: 5:19-23 536
 37. Our Lifestyle Reveals Our True Spiritual Condition: 5:22-26 552
 38. On Rebuking Sin With Gentleness: 6:1-2 568
 39. On the Bearing of Burdens: 6:2-5 583
 40. Men Reap what They Sow: 6:6-8 599
 41. On Doing Good to All in Need: 6:9-11 616
 42. Ravening Wolves who Wreak Havoc: 6:12-13 632
43. On Glorying Only in the Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ: 6:14-18 646
Index 663


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