The Life of Elijah

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Weight .75 lbs
Dimensions 8.5 × 5.375 × .75 in
ISBN 9781800404274



Bible Characters, Biblical Studies

Original Pub Date


Banner Pub Date

Jun 1, 1963

Page Count



1 Kings, 2 Kings



Book Description

This edition features a new, modern typeset.
The life of Elijah has gripped the thought and imagination of preachers and writers in all ages. His sudden appearance out of complete obscurity, his dramatic interventions in the national history of Israel, his miracles, and his departure from the earth in a chariot of fire all serve to that end. ‘He comes in like a tempest, who went out like a whirlwind’, says Bishop Hall; ‘the first we hear from him is an oath and a threat.’ Judgement and mercy were mingled throughout Elijah’s astonishing career.

It is fitting that the lessons which may be drawn from Elijah’s ministry should be presented afresh to our generation. History repeats itself. The wickedness and idolatry rampant in Ahab’s reign live in our gross twenty-first century’s profanities and corruptions. False prophets occupy large spheres of influence and truths dear to our evangelical forefathers have been downtrodden as the mire in the streets. A. W. Pink clearly felt called to the task of smiting the ungodliness of the age with the rod of God’s anger while at the same time encouraging the faithful remnant. With these objects he undertakes the exposition of Elijah’s ministry and applies it to the contemporary situation.

Table of Contents Expand ↓

Preface vii
1 Elijah's Dramatic Appearance 1
2 The Heavens Shut Up 9
3 The Brook Cherith 17
4 The Trial of Faith 25
5 The Drying Brook 33
6 Directed to Zarephath 41
7 A Widow's Extremity 51
8 The Lord Will Provide 61
9 A Dark Providence 69
10 'Women Received Their Dead Raised to Life Again' 77
11 Facing Danger 87
12 Confronting Ahab 97
13 The Troubler of Israel 105
14 The Call to Carmel 115
15 Elijah's Challenge 125
16 Ears That Hear Not 133
17 The Confidence of Faith 141
18 Effectual Prayer 151
19 The Answer by Fire 161
20 The Sound of Abundance of Rain 171
21 Persevering in Prayer 179
22 In Flight 189
23 In the Wilderness 197
24 Dejected 205
25 Refreshed 213
26 The Cave in Mount Horeb 223
27 A Still Small Voice 233
28 Elijah's Recovery 243
29 Naboth's Vineyard 253
30 The Sinner Found Out 263
31 A Dreadful Message 273
32 Elijah's Last Task 283
33 The Minister of Vengeance 291
34 Elijah's Departure 301
35 The Chariot of Fire 311


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  1. Louisa Clemmer

    I read this book daily. Over and over again. Seeking God’s glory was Elijah’s focus.

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