Chad Van Dixhoorn Books

Born in Canada, Chad Van Dixhoorn earned a bachelor of arts degree from the University of Western Ontario, two master degrees from Westminster Theological Seminary (of theology and divinity) and a PhD from the University of Cambridge. He serves as professor of Church History at Westminster Theological Seminary. Chad Van Dixhoorn book published by the Trust is titled Confessing the Faith: A Reader’s Guide to the Westminster Confession of Faith, where he provides a fresh and accessible look at the great Christian creed, the Westminster Confession of Faith. This book has been called a ‘true gem,’ a book that ‘deserves to be the standard reference book for any pastor seeking to use the Westminster Standards in his ministry,’ and the first book a Sunday school teacher should use when offering instruction on the Confession. What sets this book apart from other studies on the confession is its devotional helpfulness. Readers will not only come to understand the confession better as a historical document, but they will come to love their God more and worship him more fully.

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Confessing the Faith by Chad Van Dixhoorn

price Original price was: $38.00.Current price is: $28.00.


Description The Confessing the Faith Bundle includes Chad Van Dixhoorn’s Confessing the Faith, an immensely helpful ‘reader’s guide’ to the Westminster Confession of Faith and Confessing the Faith Study Guide, written by his wife, Emily Van Dixhoorn. Together, they are an invaluable resource, introducing Christians to the Confession in an easy to read format. Confessing […]

image of confessing the faith spanish edition

La Fe Que Confesamos

Confessing the Faith

by Chad Van Dixhoorn

price From: $15.00
Avg. Rating


Descripción del libro (Book Description) En La Fe que Confesamos, Chad Van Dixhoorn ofrece una mirada fresca de un estamento clásico de la fe reformada. Este trabajo accesible, bíblico y reflexivo digiere años de estudio y enseñanza en secciones pequeñas. La Fe que Confesamos, al desafiar nuestros corazones y mentes, espera edificar e instruir tanto […]

Confessing the Faith by Chad Van Dixhoorn

Confessing the Faith

A Reader’s Guide to the Westminster Confession of Faith

by Chad Van Dixhoorn

price From: $17.00
Avg. Rating


EndorsementsRead More ↓ ‘A true gem. It deserves to be the standard reference book for any pastor seeking to use the Westminster Standards in his ministry. It should be the first volume for which any Sunday School teacher reaches when asked to do a class on the Confession. It should be the constant companion of […]

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