Finding Peace with God
Justification Explained
Weight | 0.10 lbs |
Dimensions | 7.25 × 4.8 × 0.2 in |
ISBN | 9781848712782 |
Binding | Booklet, eBook (ePub & Kindle), Booklet & eBook (ePub & Kindle) |
Topic | Justification |
Original Pub Date | 2013 |
Banner Pub Date | Jul 9, 2013 |
Page Count | 40 |
Scripture | Whole Bible |
Format | Booklet |
Series | Booklets |
Book Description
Justification. Just another piece of theological jargon, or a vital teaching which may be compared to the very door by which the Christian faith is entered?
Picture the scene: Almighty God, the perfectly just Judge, is seated in his great High Court of Justice. The Christian believer, trusting in Christ, stands before him. The sentence is passed; the gavel bangs down , ‘NOT GUILTY!’
How this verdict is reached touches the very heart of the gospel message, and shows the amazing extent of the grace that God has shown to us by sending his Son to take the punishment for our sin.
Do you want to grow in your knowledge of the character of God? Do you want to see others around you at peace with him? Then work to acquire a solid grasp of this wonderful doctrine. As the author asks: Is anything in this life half so important as this one thing: to be freely justified by God’s grace?
- Review by Wayne Pearce
- Review by Bob Thomas (see page 17).
Table of Contents Expand ↓
1 | Our Relationship to God | 6 |
2 | Our Need of Justification | 10 |
3 | God’s Gift of Righteousness | 14 |
4 | Salvation by Faith Alone | 18 |
5 | The Teaching on Justification in the Early Church | 23 |
6 | Errors and Falsehoods to be Avoided | 28 |
7 | The Classic Statement | 32 |
8 | The Healthy Fear of God | 36 |
9 | Justification: the Way to Glory | 41 |
For Further Reading | 45 |
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Connor and Susan Keuning –
We have not read it yet, but are certainly looking forward to what Mr. Roberts has to say on this most vital and much neglected subject. He has promised us a copy when completed. Thank you Maurice for making the effort to write on Justification. We pray the Lord will bless the reading of it to all.
Justin Finley –
This small book is a huge blessing. It focuses on the issue of Justification and how the Bible explains our Justification. These thoughts on this topic were already set in my heart but it helps you to find in the Lords word and explains the problems churches of old And new have twisted it or avoid it. It also is a great tool to help you in a discussion you might be having with someone who is confused or unknowing of what justification is or means. I have already lent mine to others and have bought copies to give.