Books on Theology

Showing 181–192 of 450 results


The Works of John Owen

Volume 1: The Glory of Christ

by John Owen

price Original price was: $28.00.Current price is: $22.40.


Volume Description ‘Volume 1 commences with a brief biography of Owen’s life. Clearly a man of outstanding intellectual ability and learning, the two discourses that follow – “A Declaration of the Glorious Mystery of the Person of Christ – God and Man” and “Meditations and Discourses on the Glory of Christ” – demonstrate a rare […]


El Amor de Cristo: El amor que excede a todo conocimiento

The Love of Christ: Love that surpasses knowledge

by Robert Murray M‘Cheyne

price Original price was: $3.00.Current price is: $2.70.


Book Description El autor dirige este librito a todos aquellos que han abrazado el Evangelio,pero que, a pesar de entender que ‘al igual que le agradó a Dios imputar todas [sus] iniquidades al Salvador, así también Él está dispuesto a considerar como [suya] toda la justicia del Salvador’, se encuentran ensombrecidos y tristes por la […]

The Forgotten Spurgeon by Iain Murray
price From: $10.00
Avg. Rating


The Forgotten Spurgeon traces the main lines of Spurgeon’s spiritual thought in connection with great controversies in his ministry. Paperback, 284 pages.

cover image for 'God's Riches'

God’s Riches

A Work-Book on the Doctrines of Grace

by J. Benton

price Original price was: $12.00.Current price is: $10.80.
Avg. Rating


Serves as an introductory ‘Work-book on the Doctrines of Grace.’ 96pp. Illustrated.

The Gospel as Taught by Calvin by R. C. Reed
price From: $6.00


A book to help Christians come to a clearer understanding of ‘the grace of God in the gospel’. 160pp.


The Works of John Owen

Volume 11: Continuing in the Faith

by John Owen

price Original price was: $28.00.Current price is: $22.40.


Book Description Despite his other achievements, Owen is best famed for his writings. These cover the range of doctrinal, ecclesiastical and practical subjects. They are characterized by profundity, thoroughness and, consequently, authority. Andrew Thomson said that Owen ‘makes you feel when he has reached the end of his subject, that he has also exhausted it.’ […]


La Soberanía De Dios

Sovereignty of God, The

by A. W. Pink

price Original price was: $10.00.Current price is: $9.00.


Book Description La doctrina de la soberanía de Dios no es un mero dogma metafísico sin ningún valor práctico, sino una enseñanza destinada a influir poderosamente en el carácter cristiano y en el andar de cada día. La doctrina de la soberanía de Dios es básica dentro de la teología cristiana, y su importancia quizá […]

Gateway To The Old Testament
price Original price was: $12.00.Current price is: $10.80.


An introduction to the literature and message of the Old Testament. 320pp.



A Wrestler with God

by Walter J. Chantry

price From: $10.50


Chantry draws out themes that are timely, challenging, but ultimately full of comfort. 112pp.

I Wish Someone Would Explain Hebrews to Me
price From: $12.15
Avg. Rating


In this straightforward commentary, Olyott gives crystal clear explanations of the text, followed by detailed practical applications. 208pp.

Man Overboard! The Story of Jonah

Man Overboard!

The Story of Jonah

by Sinclair B. Ferguson

price Original price was: $12.00.Current price is: $10.80.


The story of Jonah — a book about how one man came, through painful experience, to discover the true character of the God he served. 112pp.

image of the book 'Mysterious Ways' by David Kingdon

Mysterious Ways

The Providence of God in the Life of Joseph

by David P. Kingdon

price Original price was: $11.00.Current price is: $9.90.


The Providence of God in the Life of Joseph’. 112pp.

Showing 181–192 of 450 results