Books on Theology

The Death of Death in the Death of Christ by John Owen
price Original price was: $19.00.Current price is: $17.10.
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Owen’s incomparable exposition of the work of redemption as planned and executed by the Triune God. Introductory essay by J. I. Packer. 440pp.

Doctrine of the Atonement Bundle by George Smeaton
price Original price was: $54.00.Current price is: $48.60.


Product Description ‘George Smeaton’s magnificent studies of the New Testament’s teaching on the work of Christ—Christ’s Doctrine of the Atonement and The Apostles’ Doctrine of the Atonement [are] two books which I am convinced ought to be in the possession of every minister of the gospel, preacher, teacher and student for the ministry. ‘These books […]

Catechizing Our Children by Terry L. Johnson

Catechizing Our Children

The Whys and Hows of Teaching the Shorter Catechism Today

by Terry L. Johnson

price From: $10.00
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Book Description Communicating the faith to children is one of the great responsibilities of Christian parents. In Catechizing Our Children, father and pastor Terry Johnson shows how the Shorter Catechism can be of great help to parents facing this vital task. Many generations of Christian parents have found the Westminster Shorter Catechism to be one […]

Jonah: A Study in Compassion by O. Palmer Robertson


A Study in Compassion

by O. Palmer Robertson

price Original price was: $8.00.Current price is: $7.20.


A wonderfully readable study of the grace of God and the twistedness of man’s heart — ‘A Study in Compassion.’ 64pp.

The Final Word by O. Palmer Robertson

The Final Word

A Biblical Response to the Case for Tongues and Prophecy Today

by O. Palmer Robertson

price Original price was: $12.00.Current price is: $10.80.


Argues from Scripture that preoccupation with tongues and prophecy shows a failure to grasp the fulness of New Testament privileges. Christ himself is the ‘Final Word’. 174pp.

Glorious Freedom by Richard Sibbes
price Original price was: $11.00.Current price is: $8.80.
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Declares the transforming liberty which comes from seeing Christ in the gospel. An exposition of 2 Corinthians 3:17–18. 208pp.

Counterfeit Miracles by B. B. Warfield
price Original price was: $19.00.Current price is: $17.10.


Includes chapters on the cessation of the charismata, Edward Irving, faith healing, and Roman Catholic miracles. 536pp.

The Life of Elijah by A. W. Pink
price Original price was: $18.00.Current price is: $16.20.
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An exposition of Elijah’s ministry with application to the contemporary situation. Paperback, 320 pages.

Help Heavenward by Octavius Winslow

Help Heavenward

Guidance and Strength for the Christian’s Life Journey

by Octavius Winslow

price Original price was: $14.00.Current price is: $12.60.


Guidance and encouragement from ‘The Pilgrim’s Companion’ for Christians on their life journey. Paperback, 232 pages.

Last Things by David McKay

Last Things

Preparing for the Future in the Present


price From: $6.50


Book Description When discussing the ‘last things,’ what often comes to our minds is the book of Revelation and its striking visions – and often unhelpful speculation about their details. David McKay focuses instead on the Bible’s clear message about things to come: the Lord’s return, the certainty of judgment, the resurrection, and the reality […]

Daniel Rowland by Eifion Evans

Daniel Rowland

and the Great Evangelical Awakening in Wales

by Eifion Evans

price From: $15.00
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Book Description J. C. Ryle described Daniel Rowland (1711–1790) as ‘one of the spiritual giants of the eighteenth century.’ Lady Huntingdon considered him to be ‘second only to Whitefield.’ Howel Harris wrote of him, ‘In his pulpit he is second to St Paul,’ while others acclaimed him as ‘the greatest preacher in Europe.’ Yet he […]

The Sermons of Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically

The Sermons of Behold Your God

Rethinking God Biblically

by Media Gratiae

price $25.00


Our culture noticeably fails to solve any issues. Why? Our world tries to navigate life with ignorance of the God who made us and this world. Rethinking God according to his word will restore us, our homes, our churches, and our nations.