The Character of Christ

The Fruit of the Spirit in the Life of Our Saviour

Weight 0.412 lbs
Dimensions 7.13 × 4.75 × .375 in
ISBN 9781800403321

Paperback, eBook (ePub & Kindle), Paperback & eBook (ePub & Kindle)


Fruit of the Spirit, Jesus Christ, Sanctification

Banner Pub Date

Jun 13, 2023

Page Count




Book Description

Author Jonathan Landry Cruse examines the godly attributes of the fruit of the Spirit in the Lord’s example and shows us that we can bear true fruit for God only by our union to the the life-giving Vine.

Most experienced Christians are familiar with the fruit of the Spirit listed in Galatians. Love, peace, patience, and so on are often considered both gracious marks of true Christian character and ideals to aim for. But what do they look like when lived to the fullest?

The Character of Christ answers this question by studying the fullness of the fruit of the Spirit in the life of Christ. In a warm and engaging style, Jonathan Landry Cruse examines Christ’s example, comparing them with our own faltering efforts at holiness. He roots the reader firmly in the Scriptures, revealing the work of bearing the fruit of the Spirit is God’s work, not ours – and this is good news for all those who yearn for greater sanctification.

Excellent for Small Groups

Helpful questions for each chapter are included in the back of the book to aid discussion in family worship or small group settings.

  • Practical and Applicable: Jonathan Landry Cruse avoids viewing the fruit of the Spirit a ‘to do’ list, while also avoiding the error of making it a merely theoretical idea which has no practical application in the life of the Christian.
  • Accessible: Written in a conversational and pastoral tone, The Character of Christ is warm and engaging, making it an excellent book for private worship, family worship, and small groups.
  • Points the reader to Jesus: Rather than focusing on ‘working harder’ or ‘being better,’ Jonathan Landry Cruse is constantly pointing his readers to the Saviour and his perfect embodiment and fulfillment of the fruit of the Spirit.



Table of Contents Expand ↓

Acknowledgements xi
Introduction: This Is Not a How-to Book 1
Biblical and Christological Background 4
His Spirit, Our Spirit 8
1 The Love of God Made Manifest 13
Defining Love 15
Discovering Love 16
 - Jesus’ love is willing and ready 19
- Jesus’ love is sacrificial 22
- Jesus’ love is gracious 23
- Jesus’ love is merciful 24
Desiring Love 26
2 The Joy of Your Master 29
The Embodiment of Joy 29
The Source of Joy 33
- A false source of joy 34
- The true source of joy 36
The Permanence of Joy 38
The Place of Joy 43
3 He Himself Is Our Peace 47
Eternal Peace 49
Internal Peace 51
External Peace 57
4 Consider Him Who Endured 63
Forbearance 65
- Repent 69
- Represent 71
Long-suffering 72
5 When Kindness Appeared 77
Kindness Incarnate 80
Three Scenes 81
- Kindly feeding 82
- Kindly healing 83
- Kindly forgiving 85
Just Be Kind? 87
6 ‘Why Do You Call Me Good?’ 91
Goodness in Creation and Providence 93
Goodness in Question 95
Goodness in Redemption 97
Goodness in Me 101
7 Faithful to Him Who Appointed Him 105
The ‘What’ of Christ’s Faithfulness 107
- He manifested God’s name 109
- He preached God’s word 110
- He kept God’s people 110
- Objection(s)! 111
The ‘So What?’ of Christ’s Faithfulness 114
8 ‘I Am Gentle’ 119
Two Characteristics 120
- Gentleness 121
- Lowliness 124
An Imperative 125
An Invitation 128
9 ‘Not My Will but Yours Be Done’ 133
What It Is 134
Why We Need It 136
How We Get It 139
- The life of Jesus 139
- The life of faith 142
Conclusion: Beautiful Saviour, Beautiful Saints 147
For Further Study and Discussion 155


Submit your testimonial

  1. Luke

    Wonderful little book!

  2. Sam

    There are not many books that just let you see Jesus. This book does that, therefore it should be among the top reads for 2023. While reading, it has brought about meditation, awe, and worship. Understanding the Spirit and His fruit is important and a blessing, but seeing it lived out in the life of Christ is amazing. Seeing Jesus as the man who walked in the fullness of the fruit of the Spirit has led to tears of joy and conviction of the ebb of the fruit in my own life. Don’t let this book pass you by. As the author says, ‘this is not a how to book.’ See and savor Christ and the Holy Spirit and their work in your life.

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