The Works of William Bridge

5 Volume Set

Look Inside Price Original price was: $160.00.Current price is: $144.00.

500 in stock

Weight 8.68 lbs
Dimensions 8.8 × 5.75 × 7.25 in
ISBN 9781800402645



Christian Living, 17th century, Theology

Original Pub Date


Banner Pub Date

Oct 31, 2022

Page Count




Book Description

‘Times of difficulty and of persecution have always been seasons in which God’s ministers shine with greatest lustre.’

These words from the memoir of Bridge contained in these collected Works of William Bridge serve to remind readers of the context in which William Bridge lived and worked.

Born in Cambridgeshire around 1600, Bridge entered Emmanuel College, Cambridge in 1619, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in 1623 and a master’s degree in 1626, before serving as a fellow of the college.

He was ordained a priest in the Church of England in 1627, and served in Saffron Walden and Colchester in Essex, then becoming rector of St Peter Hungate in Norwich in 1632.

In 1636 he was forced to flee to Rotterdam in Holland because of Bishop Matthew Wren’s campaign against nonconformity. There he co-pastored a church with John Ward and then Jeremiah Burroughs.

Returning to England in 1641, the following year he was appointed a member of the Westminster Assembly, and proved himself a noted Independent. That same year he accepted a position as town preacher at Yarmouth, where he organized an Independent church, and formally became its pastor in the autumn of 1643. He laboured there until 1662, when he was ejected by the Act of Uniformity.

Bridge spent his last years at Yarmouth and Clapham, Surrey, where he died in March 1670.

William Bridge was an excellent preacher, able scholar, and prolific writer with a well-furnished library, but he was no ivory tower theologian. His parishioners viewed him as a charitable and candid pastor whose ministry helped many people.

Table of Contents Expand ↓

Volume One contains: Memoir of the Author The Great Gospel Mystery of the Saints’ Comfort and Holiness opened and ­applied from Christ’s Priestly Office Satan’s Power to Tempt and Christ’s Love to and Care of his People under ­Temptation Grace for Grace, or the Overflowings of Christ’s Fulness received by all Saints The Spiritual Life and In-being of Christ in all Believers Scripture Light the Most Sure Light The Righteous Man’s Habitation in the Time of Plague and Pestilence Volume Two contains: A Lifting up for the Downcast The Spiritual Actings of Faith through Natural Impossibilities The Great Things Faith can do The Great Things Faith can suffer The Freeness of Christ and Love of God to Believers discovered Volume Three contains: Christ and the Covenant, the Work and Way of Meditation, God’s return to the Soul or Nation, together with his Preventing Mercy Christ in Travail Seasonable Truths in Evil Times Volume Four contains: Seventeen Single Sermons on Various Subjects and Occasions Evangelical Repentance Volume Five contains: The Sinfulness of Sin and the Fulness of Christ Remains A Word to the Aged The Wounded Conscience Cured and the Weak One Strengthened The Truth of the Times Vindicated The Loyal Convert, According to the Oxford Copy, with Annotations thereon The Doctrine of Justification by faith opened and applied General Index


Submit your testimonial

  1. Ojo’je Ad’eyi

    Brother William Bridge would make the most afflicted saint dumb in murmuring;and laud in praise. Mr. Bridge would lead a man beside the still water of comfort and courage in moments of hash and afflictive providence: great is the help, I, a bruised reed, have received from his print, A lifting for the downcast.I give my copy out to saint’s in sorrow; and the testimonies have been great! Let all whose lots are hash run away to this living water, though dead, yet he speaks.A testament is no force until the death of the testator. Forceful are the prints of saints triumph!

  2. Jerrod Hess

    A most gifted minister who also Co-Pastored alongside Jeremiah Burroughs. He had the tongue of the Learned to remove all obstacles to faith in Christ for despairing sinners, and those with doubts. Though I would balance Bridge with other men who preach more discriminatorily, Bridge forever will be an author I return to frequently.

  3. William Warren

    William Bridge is best known for his classic work “A Lifting Up for the Downcast”, but as these volumes show, he was no one hit wonder. Solid Christocentric accessible pastoral exposition marked his ministry. Anyone purchasing this set is in for a feast of rich spiritual nourishment that cannot fail to feed their love for Christ. Highly recommended

  4. Richard C Ross

    There is no Puritan author so easy to read as William Bridge. Indeed scarce any author of any time, with anything to say worth listening to, who is so easy to read as this delightful man. His warmth is enough to melt icicles and his pastoral spirit a comfort to the sensitive soul. You feel his heart beating within his chest. Never was a grey cover less appropriate for one who not only shines with the light of truth but glows with the warmth of the gospel. Here is a man who knows that to preach ‘God is love’ is not to ‘go soft’ but to plumb the depths of grace, mercy and glory. The ‘theo-logic’ behind all that Bridge writes is a mind and heart set Christwards. This set is among the finest Banner has given us. And that’s saying something!

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