Collected Works/Sets
These collections contain some of the most classic works of biblical and reformed theology, from the Reformation to the 20th Century. The following sets include the works of notable theologians like John Owen, Jonathan Edwards, John Murray, John Calvin and John Knox (lots of Johns). Collections found on this page include The Christian in Complete Armour by William Gurnall, Romans by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, and The Works of John Newton.
Showing 1–12 of 105 resultsSorted by latest

The Collected Writings of James Henley Thornwell
4 Volume Set
The Collected Writings of James Henley Thornwell abundantly confirm that among the many expositors of the theology and experimental religion which came to classical exposition in the Westminster Confession of Faith, Thornwell is one of the most erudite and powerful. Clothbound, four volumes.

‘God had furnished him with a rare union of those parts that are requisite to form an excellent minister of his word. A clear judgement, rich fancy, strong memory, and happy elocution met in him, and were excellently improved by his diligent study.’ William Bate, D.D., from a sermon preached at Manton’s funeral. Book Description […]

‘The Reverend Dr. Manton now rests from his labours; the comfort and conscience of his works follow him, but the usefulness of them yet abides with us … Let it not affright thee, reader, to hear a dead saint speak, a dead minister preach; for it is the same spirit of life and power which […]

‘The Reverend Dr. Manton now rests from his labours; the comfort and conscience of his works follow him, but the usefulness of them yet abides with us … Let it not affright thee, reader, to hear a dead saint speak, a dead minister preach; for it is the same spirit of life and power which […]

These volumes of Manton’s Works contain sermons on 2 Corinthians 5, Hebrews 11, A Treatise of the Life of Faith, A Treatise of Self-Denial, and a number of occasional sermons. Book Description This product contains Volumes 13–15 of The Works of Thomas Manton (1620-1677). Manton’s Works present us with an outstanding example of what was […]

These volumes of Manton’s Works contain sermons on Matthew 15, John 17, Romans 6 & 8, and 2 Corinthians 5. Book Description This product contains Volumes 10–12 of The Works of Thomas Manton (1620-1677). Manton’s Works present us with an outstanding example of what was most characteristic in the ministry of the English Puritans: careful, […]

‘Their design is practice: beginning with the understanding, dealing with the affections, but still driving on the advancement of personal holiness. They come home and close to the conscience; first presenting us a [looking] glass, wherein we may view the spots of our souls, and then directing us to that fountain wherein we may wash […]

‘The people of God have ever been exercised with two sorts of enemies–persecutors [external foes] and sectaries [internal foes]: it is hard to say which is worst’. So Thomas Manton begins his ‘To the Reader’ section prefacing his Commentary on Jude. He describes how the threat to the Reforming churches came not only from Roman […]

‘The matter herein delivered will, I conceive, be found holy and useful’, wrote Thomas Manton in the ‘Advertisement to the Reader’ which prefaces his commentary on James. His concern to explain the meaning of the Epistle of James in order to exhort the people of God to faith and good works is evident: ‘If any […]

Book Description This product contains Volumes 1 to 3 of The Works of Thomas Manton (1620-1677). Manton’s Works present us with an outstanding example of what was most characteristic in the ministry of the English Puritans: careful, solid, warm-hearted applicatory exposition of the Scriptures. The set is a facsimile of the James Nisbet & Co. […]

Puritan Paperbacks Set (Bunyan and Watson)
10 Volume Set
Book Description This 10 Volume set includes the following titles by John Bunyan and Thomas Watson. Click on a title to learn more – but be sure to add the Puritan Paperbacks Set (Bunyan and Watson) to get the Christmas special. The Jerusalem Sinner Saved The Acceptable Sacrifice Come and Welcome to Jesus Christ The […]

Cristianismo Auténtico
6 Volume Set
Book Description Este es el serie de tomos que recogen la predicación del Dr. Lloyd-Jones sobre Hechos de los Apóstoles.
Showing 1–12 of 105 resultsSorted by latest