The Mystery of Providence

Weight 0.5 lbs
Dimensions 7.13 × 4.75 × 0.6 in
ISBN 9781800402188

Paperback, eBook (ePub & Kindle), Paperback & eBook (ePub & Kindle)


God, Life Issues, Spiritual Growth

Original Pub Date


Banner Pub Date

Jan 24, 2022

Page Count





Puritan Paperbacks


‘It is a wonderful book; the Banner serves us all by keeping it in print. Flavel does a wonderful job of helping you to meditate on how God’s sovereign kindness is seen even in the strangest circumstances . . . he knew suffering himself, and he was faithful.’ — MARK DEVER

Book Description

Do we believe that everything in the world and in our own lives down to the minutest details is ordered by the providence of God? Do we ever take time to observe and meditate on the workings of Providence? If not, are we missing much?

It should be a delight and pleasure to us to discern how God works all things in the world for his own glory and the good of his people. But it should be an even greater pleasure to observe the particular designs of Providence in our own lives. ‘O, what a world of rarities,’ says John Flavel, ‘are to be found in Providence . . . With what profound wisdom, infinite tenderness, and incessant vigilance it has managed all that concerns us from first to last.’ It was to persuade Christians of the excellency of observing and meditating upon this that Flavel first published his Mystery of Providence in 1678.

Since then the work has gone through many editions. Based on the words ‘God that performeth all things for me’ (Psalm 57:2) this work shows us how Providence works for us in every stage and experience of our lives. The book is richly illustrated from the lives of believers and from the author’s wide reading in church history. There are avenues of spiritual knowledge and experience opened to the Christian in this work which he probably never knew existed.

Book Reviews






Table of Contents Expand ↓

Publisher’s Introduction vii
Introduction 1
1 The Work of Providence for the Saints 15
2 Our Birth and Upbringing 35
3 The Work of Conversion 57
4 Our Employment 77
5 Family Affairs 85
6 Preservation of the Saints from Evil 97
7 The Work of Sanctification 107
8 The Duty of Meditation on Providence 123
9 How to Meditate on the Providence of God 129
10 The Advantages of Meditating on Providence 161
11 Practical Implications for the Saints 207
12 Practical Problems in Connection with Providence 213
13 The Advantages of Recording our Experiences of Providence 255


Submit your testimonial

  1. Robert Norman

    The best book I’ve ever read on God’s providence. If you’re not a Calvinist, give this a try and see how it impacts your heart and your mind.

  2. Matthew Leslie

    The first book I have read on providence and the first to really make me meditate on it. It is particularly useful in these trying times (2020). It has really opened my eyes, increased my trust in God and letting him guide me as he sees fit and to count my blessings. The style of Flavel is clear and concise and readable and it is one of those books that I will re-read many times.

  3. Joshua J. Mills

    This is an excellent book! Reading it stirred my soul to meditate upon God’s kind Providences in my life. This constant reflection of God’s providence should always be on the heart of his children. I highly recommend this book!

  4. Billy Sichone

    A sweet tonic when going through the throes of affliction. Immensely helped me when in a difficult patch in my life. The book beautifully brings out and illustrates God’s ways, albeit, imperfectly.

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