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MONDAY Wyn Hughes from Cardiff spoke first on Romans 1:16. Asked to be brief and encouraging, he certainly was. He turned our attention to the gospel itself – our raison d’etre as preachers. As he said, we are Reformed no doubt but is it the gospel that thrills us? In Romans we have a taste […]
ReadIn September of 1840, Robert Murray M’Cheyne, wrote a letter to William Chalmers Burns: I am deepened in my conviction, that if we are to be instruments in [a true revival] we must be purified from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit. Oh, cry for personal holiness, constant nearness to God by the blood […]
ReadAfter World War II there was a movement in the arts known as minimalism. This approach involved stripping down a work to its most fundamental features. What was really essential to the existence of a piece of music, an object of design, or a sculpture? We live in an age of church maximalism. Churches provide […]
ReadChrist died . . . for all God’s elect. John Owen Christ suffered all that wrath which was due to the elect for their sins. Thomas Boston All are not saved by Christ’s death, but all which are saved are saved by Christ’s death. Henry Smith The Son cannot die for them whom the Father […]
Read‘Stuart Olyott is . . . a master of good communication and clear Christ-centred teaching . . . In 23 chapters he carefully states, illustrates and applies the teaching of this letter. In every chapter he paraphrases each verse to bring home, in today’s English, the train of thought and argument. This is a most […]
ReadIn a day when doctrine is too often underappreciated it is exciting to see to a renewed concern about its importance in the Christian life. Scripture puts a premium on the necessity of sound doctrine. Repeatedly Paul counsels Timothy and Titus, as pastors, to give careful attention to their teaching. In Titus 3:1 he introduces […]
ReadI never preached a sermon which did not cost me prayers with strong cries and tears. Thomas Shepard It is not marriage that spoils ministers, but sloth, self-indulgence, and the fear of the cross. Oecolampadius Men are ever to be prepared for the Gospel by the preaching of the Law. Theodore Beza Pray often, for […]
ReadVladimir Radzihovski came as a pioneer missionary to Nizhni Vartovsk in 1993. He has worked there almost alone and his health is now deteriorating. He recently wrote to me as follows: Dear brother in Christ Roger! Greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! Thank you very much for your care, understanding […]
ReadThe subtitle of this book is, ‘An illustrated account of 20 centuries of Christ’s power’ – an ambitious effort for a 250-page paperback.1 Its author, S. M. Houghton, gallops through the history of the New Testament Church from its beginning at Christ’s death and resurrection all the way up to the 1900s. The pace in […]
ReadThe appearance of a new book by Stuart Olyott is always a welcome event and his latest offering is no exception. He is a master of good communication and clear Christ-centred teaching. The letter to the Hebrews is one of the hardest books of the New Testament to understand, yet as the author says in […]
ReadIn 1880 J.S. Curwen wrote his fascinating and rare book, Studies in Worship Music with its many observations on the psalms and hymns sung by the different denominations in the United Kingdom, the place of the organ if one was used, chanting, harmonizing, and how to train a congregation to sing. The last third of […]
Read. . . we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 5:1). Don and Carol Richardson had come, with their infant son, to the Sawi people of southwestern New Guinea for the purpose of bringing the good news of the gospel to them. After building a house Don set about the task […]
ReadJohn Newton first went to sea at the age of just 11. His godly mother had died when he was only 6 and his father was a ship’s captain. After that first voyage he kept on going to sea, and over the years he had many adventures and many difficulties, but his own foolishness lay […]
ReadThis is a reprint of a book first published around 100 years ago. Its aim is to help Christians come to a clearer understanding of the doctrines of grace as taught by the system of theology called Calvinism. After a brief biography of John Calvin, the author reviews issues at the heart of the Gospel. […]
ReadWhen Paul was in prison in Rome, he presumably had many needs. The Church in Philippi, now an organised body with ‘bishops and deacons’, took a special interest in him and sent to him ‘once and again’ what they felt would be useful. In his present circumstances, Paul was not able to repay them; he […]