Scripture Reference: 2 Corinthians


Commentario II Corintios

Commentary on 2 Corinthians

by Charles Hodge

price £5.50


Book Description No cabe duda que en los últimos años los avances en los estudios bíblicos han producido una explosión de comentarios bíblicos de alto nivel y de excelente calidad. Sin embargo, hay clásicos que se levantan erguidos sin que el tiempo los dañe. Este es precisamente el caso de los comentarios de Charles Hodge. […]

Cover for Volume 4 of the Works of Richard Sibbes
price £15.00


Book Description More than anything else, Richard Sibbes was a great preacher. He never lost sight of the fact that the best Christian counselling is done through the patient and enlivening exposition of the Word of God. Sibbes excelled as a comforter of the troubled and doubting, but he also possessed the rare gift of […]


El Amor de Cristo: El amor que excede a todo conocimiento

The Love of Christ: Love that surpasses knowledge

by R. M. M‘Cheyne

price £1.50


Book Description El autor dirige este librito a todos aquellos que han abrazado el Evangelio,pero que, a pesar de entender que ‘al igual que le agradó a Dios imputar todas [sus] iniquidades al Salvador, así también Él está dispuesto a considerar como [suya] toda la justicia del Salvador’, se encuentran ensombrecidos y tristes por la […]

price £15.00


Description More than anything else, Richard Sibbes was a great preacher. He never lost sight of the fact that the best Christian counselling is done through the patient and enlivening exposition of the Word of God. Sibbes excelled as a comforter of the troubled and doubting, but he also possessed the rare gift of illuminating […]

Let's Study 2 Corinthians
price £6.75


The Let’s Study series of commentaries are concerned with the ways in which the teaching of Scripture can affect and transform our lives today. Understanding the Bible’s message and applying its teaching are the aims—exposition of Scripture written in the language of a friend, seated alongside with an open Bible. A Group Study Guide is included in each volume.

New Testament Commentaries

New Testament Commentaries

Volume 1: Romans to Ephesians

by Geoffrey B. Wilson

price £9.50
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Geoffrey Wilson’s popular ‘Reformed Digests’ on the New Testament Letters are here brought together in two attractive volumes. 688 & 608pp.

price £15.00
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Singluarly clear, without the technicalities of critical opinion, sets out what the words mean and the effect which their truth should have upon the conscience and life. 720pp.