Scripture Reference: Joshua

image of the rhett dodson bundle

Rhett Dodson Bundle

2 Volume Set

by Rhett P. Dodson

price £26.50


Book Description We’ve put this special bundle together to encourage you to read an author that might be new to you. We believe that though Rhett Dodson is still living, he writes with a depth that we often associate with authors from long ago. And so we think it would be worth your time in […]

cover image for 'Every Promise of Your Word' by Rhett Dodson

Every Promise of Your Word

The Gospel According to Joshua

by Rhett P. Dodson

price From: £10.00
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In ‘Every Promise of Your Word’, learn anew to rely on the God who keeps his every promise and see Jesus as he is revealed in the Scriptures. 384 pp.


A Commentary on the Holy Bible

Volume 1: Genesis-Job

by Matthew Poole

price £25.00


Although massive scholarship lies behind this work, Poole’s Commentary is clear and easy to follow. Each chapter is preceded by an outline of the contents and principal teaching. Approx 1000pp. per volume.