A Book of Comfort for Those in Sickness


Weight .5 lbs
Dimensions 7.1 × 4.75 × .45 in
ISBN 9781848718197
Short ISBN



Paperback, eBook (ePub & Kindle), Paperback & eBook (ePub & Kindle)


Life Issues

Original Pub Date


Banner Pub Date

Jul 26, 2018

Page Count





‘A short but powerful little book that does exactly what it claims—it offers comfort to those who are sick and suffering…I went through this book with pencil and highlighter in-hand and relished every page. There is so much I want to go back to and to reflect on further. But even with a single, brisk read, it spoke deeply and brought great comfort. The history of Christianity holds many treasures, and I’m grateful to Banner of Truth for finding and sharing one in A Book of Comfort for Those in Sickness. It’s a book I’d recommend to each and every Christian. Buy one for yourself and buy one to pass to someone else. You’ll benefit and they’ll be blessed.’ — TIM CHALLIES

Book Description

Suffering need not be a dark experience…

While illness brings time to think, the natural tendency of our thoughts may not be comforting.

Sickness may end activities we once enjoyed; it will make us dependent upon others; and feelings of pain, or of uselessness, or of anxiety about the future, may be very real. To those who are in sickness the author does not underestimate the strength of those hindrances to comfort.

Far from offering superficial advice, P. B. Power’s position in A Book of Comfort for Those in Sickness is that no comfort is obtainable unless there be, first, true knowledge of ourselves and, second, right knowledge of God.

His main aim is to state what this knowledge needs to be, and to show how with faith in God’s character and presence, suffering need not be a dark experience.


Table of Contents Expand ↓

Introduction vii
1 Is God a God of Comfort at All? 1
2 Hindrances to Our Believing That God Is a God of Comfort 9
3 Helps to Our Believing That God Is a God of Comfort 19
4 A Comfort in Pain 27
5 A Comfort as to Our Being Useless 35
6 A Comfort in Felt Unworthiness 47
7 A Comfort to Counter Envious Thoughts About Others 53
8 A Comfort in Our Being a Trouble to Others 61
9 A Comfort in Fear That the Affliction Will Be Long 67
10 A Comfort in the Thought That We Shall Have To Be Alone 73
11 A Comfort in Our Fears That We Shall Fail and Dishonour God at the Last 79
12 A Comfort in the Thought of Our Departure Hence 85


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