An Ark for All God’s Noahs

In a Gloomy Stormy Day

Weight .60 lbs
Dimensions 7.13 × 4.75 × .8 in
ISBN 9781848715738
Short ISBN



Paperback, eBook (ePub & Kindle), Paperback & eBook (ePub & Kindle)


Christian Living, 17th century

Original Pub Date


Banner Pub Date

Nov 24, 2020

Page Count





Puritan Paperbacks

Book Description

We live in difficult days and in trying times. This book, with its quaint yet vivid title, points us to the One in whom Christian men and women have always found the strength to persevere come what may. Taking Lamentations 3:24 as his starting-point – ‘The Lord is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him,’ – Thomas Brooks expounds the attributes of God with the aim of comforting those who have felt not only the stresses and strains of daily life but also the searing pain of loss in its various forms. God, he says, ‘is a portion that is exactly suited to the condition of the soul in its desires, needs, wants, longings and prayers. All the soul needs is found in God. There is light to enlighten the soul, wisdom to counsel the soul, power to support the soul, goodness to supply the soul, mercy to pardon the soul, beauty to delight the soul, glory to ravish the soul, and fullness to fill the soul.’

‘All true comfort and happiness is only to be found in having an all-sufficient God for your portion.’

Table of Contents Expand ↓

Epistle Dedicatory ix
Introduction 1
Analysis of Text and Topics 2
Part I. What a Portion God Is
1. Present 7
2. Immense 8
3. All-sufficient 13
4. Absolute, needful, and necessary 16
5. Pure and unmixed 20
6. Glorious, happy, and blessed 25
7. Peculiar 27
8. Universal 30
9. Safe and Secure 35
10. Suitable 37
11. Incomprehensible 39
12. Inexhaustible 42
13. Soul-Satisfying 47
14. Permanent, indefinite, never-failing, everlasting 53
15. Incomparable 58
Part II. Grounds of Title unto God as a Portion
1. Free favour and love of God 63
2. Covenant of grace 64
3. Marriage union 57
Part III. Improvement of the Truth that God is a Portion
1. Fret not on account of prosperity of the wicked 67
2. Be content with present condition 78
3. Those mistaken who judge saints to be unhappy 88
4. Set not affections on earthly portions 92
5. Be cheerful under all crosses and troubles 95
6. Away with all expedients and compliances 99
7. Glory in God as a portion 101
8. Shall want nothing good 103
9. Away with inordinate cares 108
10. All is the believer's 115
11. God no hurtful portion 117
12. Let the saints think of God as their portion 126
13. Be not afraid to die 129
14. Make it fully out that God is your portion; its advantages 131
Question 1: How Shall We Know whether God Be Our Portion? Answered 147
Question 2: How Shall We Evidence This? Answered 197
Incitements to See that God is Our Portion 207
How to Make God Our Portion 217
Objections Answered 227
Positions that May Be Useful 243


Submit your testimonial

  1. Robert Norman

    Great book, very encouraging.

  2. Helkias Mapimhidze

    Thomas Brooks is entranced by the wonder and unsurpassed value of God in Christ. This is such a wonderful, pastoral book. I enjoyed it because it made me look upward to my portion- God himself. Highly recommended.

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