Preparations for Sufferings

Weight .36 lbs
Dimensions 7.13 × 4.75 × .45 in
ISBN 9781800400672

Paperback, eBook (ePub & Kindle), Paperback & eBook (ePub & Kindle)



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Puritan Paperbacks

Book Description

The apostle Paul often taught young converts to the Christian faith that ‘we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God’ (Acts 14:22). For first-century Christians suffering for Christ was an inevitable accompaniment to a life of serious discipleship.

In many parts of the world little has changed since those early days. But in the West, Christians have long enjoyed a period of unusual rest from such troubles. However, there are ominous signs that change is on the way. Suffering ‘for righteousness’ sake’ may once again mark the lives of faithful Christians in the West.

In this exposition of Paul’s words, ‘For I am ready not to be bound only, but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus’ (Acts 21:13), John Flavel shows us how vital and excellent a thing it is to prepare ourselves for the onset of sufferings.

‘The cup of sufferings is a very bitter cup, and it is but needful that we provide somewhat to sweeten it…’ — JOHN FLAVEL


Submit your testimonial

  1. Abel Manima

    A powerful work. It was a humbling experience reading this and I also was reminded of the fear of God. Through this book I have learnt that whatever troubles or difficulties I may face today or in future as long as I stay in close union to Christ I shall overcome.

    The particular chapter on the ways of Satan and how Satan operates was an eye-opener and most useful. Skilfully done by Flavel.

    This quote stood out for me, ‘I am prepared and fitted for the greatest Sufferings which shall befall me in the pursuit of my duty; be it a prison, or be it death, I am provided for either: liberty is dear, and life much dearer, but Christ is dearer than either.’

    Full of conviction Preparations for Sufferings is essential reading for all serious Christians. The Christian life is not easy and this book affirms that.

    What a saviour is Christ!

  2. Jessica McIlwaine

    1 Peter 4:1 “Forasmuch then as Christ has suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind.”

    We are called to face many trials and tribulations in this life, but are assured of Grace enough to bear all when we exercise faith and trust in Christ. It should be of utmost priority for all believers to prepare for these certain sufferings.

    As Flavel states, “Make yourselves ready to follow the call of God, whether it be to bonds, or to death, for the name of the Lord Jesus.”

    An important and very precious book indeed; as fresh and relevant today as when it was first written. It was of great encouragement and blessing to me for it stirred my heart greatly. A bold reminder to hold fast to the Lord Jesus Christ in these last days.

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