The Sinfulness of Sin

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Weight 0.66 lbs
Dimensions 7.13 × 4.75 × 0.75 in
ISBN 9781800402300



Man & Sin, Spiritual Growth

Original Pub Date


Banner Pub Date

Jan 18, 2022

Page Count





Puritan Paperbacks


‘Works like Ralph Venning’s The Sinfulness of Sin have steered me into a greater understanding of God, his word, and indeed even my own heart. Few today would dare think so carefully and comprehensively about the Bible’s teaching on the stuff of sin. Fewer still would dare write it. Perhaps even fewer have sat to read Venning’s cogent study. But any who read this book will never think the same way about sin, evil, and God’s grace in Christ Jesus. Thank you, Banner.’ — DAVID GARNER

Book Description

We cannot understand the Christian gospel until we know what sin is. Yet modern secular counsellors urge us to ignore both the word and what it tells us about our rebellion against God and his law. Sadly, the church too often serves as an echo chamber for such cheap and short-sighted wisdom. It’s literature spreads the deceptive message that all is well. But it is only when we begin to see our sinfulness that we are able to discover God’s forgiveness.

Although The Sinfulness of Sin was written three hundred years ago, it remains an oasis of truth in a desert of lies. First published in the aftermath of the Great Plague of London and entitled Sin, The Plague of Plagues, this book gives a crystal-clear explanation of what sin is, why it is so serious, and what we need to do about it. Here is reliable medicine for a fatal epidemic.

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  1. Seth Meyers

    Works like this are gold hidden in a non-descript paperback binding. I bless the Banner of Truth for giving it to us. What minister talks like this today? Who would direct his congregations’ full attention at a sustained effort in Christian hatred of sin? I counted only 2 pages of 284 that did not use a Scripture reference. His torrent of Bible and logical argumentation were buttressed by metaphors and a few references to classical Greek and Latin literature. And yet he was a learned man who had not forgotten that learning only matters if it helps us love Christ and hate sin. Many PhD’s could learn more from this one volume than their entire degree combined.

  2. David Banks

    Would really recommend this to everyone and anyone. Logical but heartfelt, clear but not trite.Many thanks to Banner of Truth for publishing such an excellent book.

  3. Jack Karpan

    I tend to highlight the important passages in the books I read. Venning’s treatise on sin took me three yellow china markers to complete. It seems that every heading and subheading was simply rife with warnings and advice to help us combat the sin in our lives. I highly recommend this book to all Christians.

  4. Daniel Ochefije Ajeibi

    Hmmm… I bless God that I found this noble book. I almost marked every part of this book. For me, it’s a great treasure. I pray, God will continue to use the banner of truth to preserve many more God honouring and sin exposing books like. Every christian denomination need this book. Yea, every human creature need this treasure of great value. Now, I fear and hate sin the more. Dear Lord, please raise up more men like Ralph Venning and other Puritans all over the world in this our day.

  5. Gerry Lautner

    This is, I think, an excellent and exhaustive Biblical study of sin. Every aspect of sin, what it really is, what is its essential nature and what makes it so vile and poisonous is covered in great detail.

    As such we are led to see it’s potential and it’s actual harm from Gods perspective, and if His Spirit should blessedly accompany that sight, that insight, with His grace such that sight of sin will have “entrance” into the soul and give it understanding as we are taught here:
    “The entrance of Your words gives light;
    It gives understanding to the simple.” Ps 119:130

    For me this phrase of entrance of words giving light suggests that that there is a surface knowledge of things that does not produce this light and understanding which are necessary for real, deep, abiding transformation.

    For example, in reading Owen and the best of the Puritans we see that we are to actually “hate sin”, and not simply, or only,’or primarily because it causes us difficult or offends us, but rather because it offends each member of The Trinity, actually and really and personally.

    But unless we actually feel that, actually enter into to the pain and shame and harm this offense brings to our relationship of these Three loving Beings, it seems to me that it remains little more than an abstract concept that we may agree with, but which misses the goal and good done by actually engendering a “hatred of sin”.

    But not only does this work promote such a knowledge but it also deals with how to actually go about recognizing and fighting against this enemy. And though I love Owen on mortification and Indwelling Sin In Believers, both insightful and useful works, Venning in pages 259 -274 gives a clear concise and critically important insight into our thoughts as sins and how until we develop the habit and skill of looking carefully at our thoughts and discerning and refusing those that are sinful, we have done nothing at all truly effective in “tearing down the strongholds” of sin that give rise to the actions and lusts which arise first from our thoughts.

    Though the whole book is a masterpiece of clarity and useful direction about sin, just those pages on thoughts as sins are worth infinitely more that the price of this book.

    Praise God’s use of Banner of Truth in making this work available to those whom the Spirit has inclined to learn to hate and mortify the sins and lusts in their members and to bring every thought into captivity for Christ.

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