2015 US Ministers’ Conference Audio
Suffering in the Church
Weight | .1 lbs |
Dimensions | 5 × 5 × .1 in |
Audio Format | Audio CD, MP3 CD, MP3 Download |
Format | Audio Message |
Topic | Church Life, Life Issues, Church and Ministry |
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You can purchase the Conference Audio right from this page in a number of ways:
AUDIO CD – For those of you don’t have MP3 CD players (older cars, some older systems), you need to purchase the ‘Audio CD’ format. You can either purchase the complete 11 disk set for $27.99 or you can purchase individual addresses for $4.00 each. Free shipping.
MP3 CD – The best option for those of you with newer audio playing devices, who want the conference on a disk, is the MP3 CD. This format allows you to get the entire conference audio onto one disk for only $17.99. This format is not available for individual addresses. Free shipping.
MP3 DOWNLOAD – Lastly, the MP3 download option allows you to either download the entire conference to your computer for $9.99 or download individual addresses for $1.99 each. If you choose this option, you will be able to download the audio immediately after you finish your order.
Conference Theme
A minister’s calling brings him into a dimension of suffering that is uniquely bound up with the ministry of the gospel. For Christ it meant his being the Suffering Servant. For those he calls into service, the same will be true. This dimension of ministerial suffering is clearly borne out by the testimony and counsel of Paul in his letters.
Suffering is arguably the biggest issue people face in life, and because so much bad theology has been developed to address its existence, it is essential that pastors work to acquire a well-formed biblical theology of suffering. This is exactly what this year’s conference aims to address, and it is hoped that all who attend will return to their congregations with renewed confidence in the all-surpassing goodness of God, equipped to minister to those within and without their churches whose suffering raises, for them, questions about the nature of God at the profoundest level.
(A) Opening Sermon: Embracing the Pain – Hensworth Jonas
(B) A Servant for the Weary – Dale Ralph Davis
(C) Ministerial Doubt – Steven Curry
(D) Paul’s Testimony: Sufficient Grace for Suffering in Ministry – Ligon Duncan
(E) Suffering for the Gospel – David McWilliams
(F) The Morass of Ministry – Dale Ralph Davis
(G) Ministerial Attitude – Steven Curry
(H) Paul’s Counsel: ‘We do not lose heart’ – Ligon Duncan
(J) Closing Sermon: Paul Alone – David McWilliams
(K) Reaching the Lost in the Church – Ian Hamilton*
(L) Panel on Preaching*
*Bonus Tracks (Only available with a ‘Complete Conference’ purchase).
More items to consider:

Information on Formats Expand ↓ You can purchase the Conference Audio right from this page in a number of ways: AUDIO CD – For those of you don’t have MP3 CD players (older cars, some older systems), you need to purchase the ‘Audio CD’ format. You can either purchase the complete 11 disk set for $27.99 […]

Messenger of Grace
Information on Formats Expand ↓ You can purchase the Conference Audio right from this page in a number of ways: AUDIO CD – For those of you don’t have MP3 CD players (older cars, some older systems), you need to purchase the ‘Audio CD’ format. You can either purchase the complete 11 disk set for $27.99 […]

Information on Formats Expand ↓ You can purchase the Conference Audio right from this page in a number of ways: AUDIO CD – For those of you don’t have MP3 CD players (older cars, some older systems), you need to purchase the ‘Audio CD’ format. You can either purchase the complete 11 disk set for $27.99 […]
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