Words Old And New
Gems From the Christian Authorship of All Ages
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Weight | 0.82 lbs |
Dimensions | 7.13 × 4.75 × 0.9 in |
ISBN | 9780851516431 |
Binding | Paperback |
Topic | Spiritual Growth |
Original Pub Date | 1866 |
Banner Pub Date | Jan 1, 1994 |
Page Count | 368 |
Format | Book |
Book Description
An anthology of quotations from some of the most significant figures in the Christian centuries. A labour of love on the part of Horatius Bonar, one of its special attractions is its chronological order. We are led from the passionate words of the early martyr Ignatius of Antioch (‘Let all the malice of the devil come upon me; only may I enjoy Jesus Christ’) through reformers like John Bradford (‘Faith must go before, and then feeling will follow’) to Bonar’s friend Robert Murray M’Cheyne (‘You will be incomplete Christians if you do not look for the coming again of the Lord Jesus’).
Words Old and New is a treasure-trove for personal or family meditation and devotion, and an attractive introduction to many of the men and women of faith in past centuries.
Table of Contents Expand ↓
Publishers’ Introduction | x | |
List of Authors: | 1 | |
Clement of Rome | 3 | |
Ignatius | 5 | |
Irenaeus | 8 | |
Clement of Alexandria | 11 | |
Tertullian | 13 | |
Cyprian | 16 | |
Athanasius | 18 | |
Macarius the Egyptian | 21 | |
Ephraem the Syrian | 23 | |
Gregory of Nazianzus | 25 | |
Basil the Great | 27 | |
Jerome Chrysostom | 30 | |
Augustine of Hippo | 32 | |
Fulgentius | 34 | |
Gregory the Great | 37 | |
Hildebert | 39 | |
Bernard of Clairvaux | 42 | |
Johannes Tauler | 44 | |
Francesco Petrarch | 46 | |
John Wycliffe | 48 | |
Geoffrey Chaucer | 50 | |
Thomas A Kempis | 53 | |
John Hus | 56 | |
Hieronymus Savonarola | 58 | |
Desiderius Erasmus | 61 | |
Jacobi De Valentia | 63 | |
Hugh Latimer | 66 | |
Martin Luther | 68 | |
Thomas Cranmer | 71 | |
John Bale | 74 | |
Philip Melanchthon | 77 | |
Aonio Paleario | 79 | |
Patrick Hamilton | 82 | |
Johann Heinrich Bullinger | 84 | |
John Knox | 86 | |
John Calvin | 88 | |
John Bradford | 90 | |
John Foxe | 92 | |
Thomas Cooper | 94 | |
Edwin Sandys | 96 | |
Rodolphus Gualter | 99 | |
Martin Chemnitz | 101 | |
Abraham Bucholtzer | 103 | |
Trelcatius of Leyden | 105 | |
Arthur Dent | 108 | |
Sir Walter Raleigh | 110 | |
Richard Hooker | 113 | |
Robert Rollock | 115 | |
William Perkins | 117 | |
Alexander Hume | 120 | |
Francis Bacon | 123 | |
George Abbot | 125 | |
Christopher Sutton | 128 | |
David Lindsay | 132 | |
Joseph Hall | 134 | |
John Davenant | 137 | |
Richard Sibbes | 140 | |
David Dickson | 142 | |
Joseph Mede | 144 | |
Francis Quarles | 147 | |
Jean Mestrezat | 150 | |
George Herbert | 153 | |
Thomas Goodwin | 155 | |
Edmund Calamy | 157 | |
Sir Matthew Hale | 159 | |
Tobias Crisp | 161 | |
Samuel Rutherford | 164 | |
Walter Cradock | 166 | |
John Trapp | 169 | |
Joseph Caryl | 171 | |
Edward Leigh | 173 | |
Sir Thomas Browne | 175 | |
John Milton | 177 | |
Edward Fisher | 180 | |
Nicholas Lockyer | 183 | |
John Pearson | 186 | |
Robert Leighton | 188 | |
Jeremy Taylor | 191 | |
Richard Baxter | 194 | |
John Owen | 196 | |
Thomas Brooks | 199 | |
Thomas Wilcox | 201 | |
Blaise Pascal | 204 | |
Hugh Binning | 206 | |
William Bates | 208 | |
John Flavel | 210 | |
John Bunyan | 212 | |
Stephen Charnock | 214 | |
Robert Fleming | 216 | |
John Howe | 219 | |
Andrew Gray | 222 | |
Pasquier Quesnel | 225 | |
James Janeway | 227 | |
Walter Marshall | 229 | |
William Beveridge | 232 | |
James Fraser of Brea | 235 | |
Anthony Burgess | 237 | |
Thomas Watson | 239 | |
Madame Guyon | 241 | |
Francois Fenelon | 244 | |
Benedict Pictet | 246 | |
Daniel Superville | 248 | |
Matthew Henry | 251 | |
Thomas Shepherd | 253 | |
Thomas Halyburton | 255 | |
Isaac Watts | 257 | |
Thomas Boston | 259 | |
Ebenezer Erskine | 261 | |
John M’Laurin | 263 | |
Thomas Adams | 266 | |
Jonathan Edwards | 269 | |
John Wesley | 271 | |
James Hervey | 273 | |
William Romaine | 275 | |
George Whitefield | 277 | |
John Berridge | 280 | |
Samuel Pike | 283 | |
David Brainerd | 286 | |
John Brown (of Haddington) | 288 | |
John Newton | 290 | |
George Horne | 292 | |
Sir Richard Hill | 294 | |
Samuel Horsley | 296 | |
Abraham Booth | 298 | |
Joseph Milner | 300 | |
Richard Cecil | 302 | |
Thomas Jones | 304 | |
John Lave | 306 | |
Alexander Stewart | 308 | |
Robert Hall | 310 | |
Robert Haldane | 312 | |
John Foster | 314 | |
Samuel Taylor Coleridge | 316 | |
William Howells | 318 | |
Mary Anne Schimmelpenninck | 320 | |
Thomas Chalmers | 323 | |
Asahel Nettleton | 325 | |
Edward Payson | 327 | |
John Brown | 329 | |
John Evans | 331 | |
John Angell | 333 | |
James Edward Bickersteth | 336 | |
Charles Wolfe | 338 | |
Edward Irving | 340 | |
William Nevins | 343 | |
Alexandre Rudolph Vinet | 345 | |
W. H. Hewitson | 348 | |
Robert Murray M’Cheyne | 350 | |
Lady Powerscourt | 352 | |
Appendices: | ||
Biographical Information | 357 | |
Authors Reprinted | 384 |
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Salvatore A. Luiso –
This is indeed a treasury of truth, wisdom, and eloquence.
I have read through it like a devotional, reading the quotations of one author per day.
I recommend it.