Brownlow North

His Life and Work

Weight .7 lbs
Dimensions 7.5 × 5 × .91 in
ISBN 9781848719460

Cloth-bound, eBook (ePub & Kindle), Cloth-bound & eBook (ePub & Kindle)


Pastoral Biography

Original Pub Date


Banner Pub Date

Jun 27, 2020

Page Count





‘This arresting account of Brownlow North’s life and work recalls one of the greatest evangelists of the nineteenth century.’ – REFORMED EVANGELICAL REVIEW

‘Biography is essential to the diet of the Christian reader and this is of the finest. Warmly written, it is refreshing to read, depicting afresh the power of the gospel in the life of a man whom God was to use powerfully.’ – AUSTRALIAN CHURCH RECORD

Book Description

The fruitfulness of Brownlow North’s ministry led him to become known as the ‘John the Baptist of the great awakening of 1859’. But what can this largely forgotten evangelist of the nineteenth century teach us today?

His preaching was marked by an eloquent but unadorned proclamation of Christ as revealed in the Scriptures. He brought fresh impetus to the old truths. He preached to both the hearts and intellects of his hearers. It was biblical evangelism driven by biblical theology. These were the defining characteristics of Brownlow North’s ministry, and his example is a lesson for us today.

This compact biography sheds light on the life and ministry of a man who had experienced for himself the transforming power of the gospel, and who was used by God to bring many others to know that same power. After Brownlow North’s death in 1875, the then Archbishop of Canterbury wrote to a friend: ‘No one could know him without seeing that his heart and life were devoted to his Master’s service, and that he burned to preach to others what he had found so precious to his own soul.’

Table of Contents Expand ↓

1 Brownlow North's Early Years 1
2 Brownlow North's Conversion 19
3 First Private Efforts to Win Souls 43
4 Early Evangelistic Labours 67
5 Work in Edinburgh and Glasgow, and Recognition as an Evangelist but the Free Church of Scotland 93
6 Brownlow North's Post-bag 127
7 Brownlow North's Letters 147
8 Brownlow North's Theology and Preaching 167
(1) 'God Is' 170
(2) 'It Is Written' 180
(3) 'You Are Immortal' 185
9 Brownlow North's Theology and Preaching Continued 191
(4) 'Born Again' 191
(5) Faith and Feeling 199
10 Work in Ireland and in London 209
11 Harvest-Work in Various Fields 229
12 Remarkable Cases of Impression and Conversion 251
13 Later Evangelistic Work in Large Towns of England 273
14 Last Year of Earthly Labour 287
15 Last Days and Death 299


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