Southern Presbyterian Leaders

1683 - 1911

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Weight 1.7 lbs
Dimensions 8.8 × 5.75 × 1.4 in
ISBN 9780851517957



18th Century, 19th Century, 17th century, General Biography

Original Pub Date


Banner Pub Date

Nov 1, 2000

Page Count





‘I am profoundly thankful that the Banner of Truth has republished this volume, which has become extremely rare and is now unknown to many. I cannot imagine a more accessible or useful introductory work for those wishing to become more familiar with the rich theological heritage of Southern Presbyterianism. The subject matter speaks to a much wider audience than the descendants (literal and spiritual) of the men described. Indeed the reissue of White’s work ought to be welcomed by all friends of robust, warm, evangelical, Reformed Christianity, for the stalwarts about whom he writes offer much timeless biblical wisdom to contemporary Christians ministering in the context of a crumbling western civilization.’ — LIGON DUNCAN

Book Description

White’s fascinating biographical sketches of leaders in the Southern Presbyterian Church, from the establishment of Presbyterianism in the American Colonies in the 1680s to the beginning of the twentieth century, has never been superseded. The better known names read like a roll-call of many of the finest representatives of evangelical piety and experimental Calvinism in America: Samuel Davies, Archibald Alexander, Daniel Baker, William S. Plumer, James Henley Thornwell, John L. Girardeau, Benjamin M. Palmer, Robert L. Dabney, Thomas J. (‘Stonewall’) Jackson and Thomas E. Peck. But many lesser-known names are also brought before the reader, from Francis Makemie in the 1680s to leaders still living when White wrote his account in 1911.

The pages of this book teem with fervent evangelists, faithful pastors, learned professors, accomplished statesmen, and soldiers likely to inspire fear in the heart of any tyrant, all owing the inspiration of their lives to the saving truths they learned from the Scriptures and the Westminster Standards.

Table of Contents Expand ↓

Preface 7
 1. PART I
Francis Makemie Organizes the First American Presbytery 9
Early Scots and Huguenots in the Carolinas and Virginia 22
The Coming of the Scots to the American Colonies 28
John Craig, First Pastor in the Western Part of Virginia 32
Old Side and New Side Parties Among the Presbyterians 36
John Blair and John Brown in the Southern part of the Valley of Virginia 38
William Robinson and John Roan in the Piedmont Section of Virginia 41
Samuel Davies Founds the Hanover Presbytery 44
David Rice and James Waddell in the Northern and Western Parts of Virginia 58
Hugh McAden's Journey Through Virginia and the Carolinas 65
Alexander Craighead and the Seven Churches of Mecklenburg in North Carolina 73
John Witherspoon, of the Lower Santee River, and James Campbell, of the Upper Cape Fear River 79
Archibald Simpson, Evangelist in the Region Between Charles Town and Savannah 86
William Richardson of the Waxhaws in South Carolina 90
Henry Patillo and David Caldwell Organize the Presbytery of Orange in the Carolinas 93
Charles Cummings and Samuel Doak on the Holston River 100
The Hanover Presbytery Leads the Fight in Behalf of Freedom in Religion 104
Presbyterian Riflemen Win the Battle of Point Pleasant (1774) 113
The Mountain Men of Virginia and North Carolina Lead the Way to Independence 116
William Graham, Founder of the Liberty Hall Academy in Virginia 124
Samuel Stanhope Smith, John Blair Smith and - Hampden Sidney College 140
The Winning of the Battle at King's Mountain. 144
Presbyterian Riflemen, Led by Francis Ma­rion, Assail the British in the Eastern Parts of South Carolina 154
The Cowpens and Guilford Courthouse 158
The Winning of the Fight for Religious Freedom 165
Revivals of Religion that Followed the War of the Revolution 171
Archibald Alexander, President of Hampden-Sidney College, and First Teacher of Theology in Princeton Seminary 181
Moses Hoge, President of the College and Teacher of Theology at Hampden-Sidney, in Virginia 193
Moses Waddell and the Willington Academy in South Carolina 199
Joseph Caldwell and the University of North Carolina 203
Presbyterians in Kentucky and the Revival of 1800 206
John Holt Rice and the Organization of Union Theological Seminary in Virginia 212
George Addison Baxter Extends the Work of Washington College Among the People of the South and Southwest. 221
A Journey Among the Churches of the Synod of Virginia in the Year 1800 232
A Journey Among the Churches of the Carolinas and Georgia and the Southwest in the Year 1800 239
Thomas Goulding, George Howe and Aaron W. Leland, Founders of Columbia Theological Seminary 253
John Forrest and Thomas Smyth, Pastors in Charleston, South Carolina 261
Robert Hall Morrison Founds Davidson College 267
Daniel Baker, Evangelist of the South and Southwest 273
John McElhenny, the Apostle of Western Virginia 280
William Swan Plumer, Preacher and Teacher of the Word 286
Charles Colcock Jones, John B. Adger and John L. Girardeau 293
James Henley Thornwell as Preacher and Teacher 303
James H. Thornwell Sets Forth the Principles of the Southern Presbyterians 322
A Journey Among the Southern Churches During the War Between the North and the South 330
A Journey Among the Churches of Kentucky and Missouri 348
Benjamin Morgan Palmer 359
Robert Lewis Dabney 382
John Leighton Wilson 391
Jacob Henry Smith 409
Stuart Robinson 414
John Newton Waddel 421
Moses Drury Hoge 426
Stonewall Jackson, D. H. Hill and Thomas R. R. Cobb as Representatives of Southern Presbyterian Elders and Deacons 446
Some Presbyterian Leaders of Our Own Time. 454
Biographies 462
Church Histories 463
Collected Works 464
General Histories 465
Historical Collections 465
Local Histories 465
Memoirs 466
Newspapers 466
Periodicals 467
Records of Church Courts 467
Minutes 467
Special Accounts 467


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