Christian Marriage

From Basic Principles to Transformed Relationships

Original price was: $16.00.Current price is: $14.40.

420 in stock

Weight 0.62 lbs
Dimensions 8.5 × 5.4 × 0.55 in
ISBN 9781848711242

Paperback, eBook (ePub & Kindle), Paperback & eBook (ePub & Kindle)


Marriage & Family

Original Pub Date


Banner Pub Date

Mar 1, 2012

Page Count






Book Description

In an age which has seen an almost total collapse of marriage and when, in many cases, marriages end in divorce with children being raised in ‘broken homes’, Dr. Lloyd-Jones’ Christian Marriage speaks powerfully into our present situation. It is a situation which may be seen as giving Christians, and especially Christian marriages, a valuable opportunity to bear witness to biblical truth. The way in which Dr. Lloyd-Jones, like the Apostle Paul, deals with marriage relationship, is extremely important – to attempt to deal with Christian practice apart from Christian doctrine is to tread a dangerous path. As these chapters on Ephesians make clear, the only Christianity powerful enough to penetrate and change society is that which is derived from the work of the Spirit of God.


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Submit your testimonial

  1. James Cuddy

    This book was some seriously strong meat. As a young man of 23 years old who’s been scarred by past relationships, brainwashed by the relational ethics of the world and at times losing faith in marriage, this book has given me so much to think about and has helped re-define how I view relationships and marriage.

    The first 10 chapters are nearly all hearty exposition of Ephesians 5, yet written in such a clear way that any reader will be able to absorb and appreciate. It is obvious that Lloyd-Jones has really considered the doctrine of marriage and how best to convey this to a broken world starving of the word taught faithfully. He knows that if the doctrine is fully understood and the Holy Spirit moves in the believers heart then it’s practical implications will automatically flow. This is a beautiful book and I’m so grateful to God for it!

    He also addresses the crucial importance of the family and how marriage ultimately affects every aspect of life and society in the world. So much truth for us all to ground our lives in. As a trainee therapist this book has equipped me a solid biblical framework for approaching family/child work and has taught me so clearly about human nature and God’s perfect plan for men and women.

    I’ll be reading this book many times to come, pre and post-marriage, and have already recommended it to singles, those engaged and even couples who have been married for years! If you’re looking for a solid biblical book on marriage that deals with scripture faithfully and applies it intelligently to the lives we live, then I highly recommend this book.

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