Christian eBooks

The following ebooks include warm devotional and theological books published by the Banner of Truth. Noteworthy ebook titles include the Puritan prayer and devotional collection The Valley of Vision by Arthur Bennett, Thoughts for Young Men by J.C. Ryle, and the 1541 edition of John Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion. EBooks are available in both ePUB and Mobi format.

Showing 241–252 of 307 results

Book cover for 'Peter: Eye Witness of his Majesty' by Edward A. Donnelly

Peter: Eyewitness of His Majesty

As Disciple, Preacher, Pastor

by Edward Donnelly

price From: $15.00


How the grace of God moulded the Apostle Peter as a disciple, a preacher, and a pastor. 184pp.

Book Cover for 'Our Great God and Saviour'
price From: $13.00


Warm and pastorally-directed studies which look at the character of God, the salvation of God and the church of God, and provide satisfying food for the hearts and minds of Christian readers everywhere. 208pp.

Old Paths by J. C. Ryle

Old Paths

Being Plain Statements on Some of the Weightier Matters of Christianity

by J. C. Ryle

price From: $15.00


The longer I live the more I am convinced that the world needs no new Gospel, as some profess to think. I am thoroughly persuaded that the world needs nothing but bold, full, unflinching teaching of the “old paths”‘. -J.C. Ryle. 536pp.

Book cover for 'My God Is True!'

My God Is True!

Lessons Learned Along Cancer's Dark Road

by Paul D. Wolfe

price From: $13.00


One man’s chronicle of the ‘Lessons learned Along Cancer’s Dark Road’. Paul Wolfe points to the glory, grace and — above all — the faithfulness of God. There is reason — even in the midst of suffering — to worship and rejoice. 168pp.

John Knox and the Reformation
price From: $14.00


A collection of two addresses by Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones and one by Iain H. Murray on the man who was instrumental, under God’s blessing, in transforming the nation of Scotland. 144pp.

I Wish Someone Would Explain Hebrews to Me
price From: $12.15
Avg. Rating


In this straightforward commentary, Olyott gives crystal clear explanations of the text, followed by detailed practical applications. 208pp.

Heaven and Hell

Heaven and Hell

What Comes After Death?

by Edward Donnelly

price From: $7.00


A moving exposition, marked by biblical realism and pastoral warmth, of the solemn reality of hell and the matchless glory of heaven. 144pp.

Hand of God

Hand of God

The Comfort of Having a Sovereign God

by Frederick Leahy

price From: $12.00


The author’s last book, written to show the relevance of the Bible’s teaching on the sovereignty of God to the lives of all men and women. 224pp.



A Wrestler with God

by Walter J. Chantry

price From: $10.50


Chantry draws out themes that are timely, challenging, but ultimately full of comfort. 112pp.

The Gospel as Taught by Calvin by R. C. Reed
price From: $6.00


A book to help Christians come to a clearer understanding of ‘the grace of God in the gospel’. 160pp.

God's Light on Dark Clouds by Theodore Cuyler
price From: $10.00


Hope for the desponding, consolation for the bereaved and light for those in darkness, from the author’s own experiences of loss. 144pp.

Getting the Gospel Right

Getting the Gospel Right

Assessing the Reformation and New Perspectives on Paul

by Cornelis P. Venema

price From: $10.50


Assessing the Reformation and New Perspectives on Paul’ in the light of Scripture. 112pp.

Showing 241–252 of 307 results