Published: 1960s

Redemption Accomplished and Applied
price From: $8.50
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Beginning with the work of Christ at Calvary, Murray proceeds to a moving and masterly account of how that redemption comes to expression in Christian experience. ‘One of the greatest theological books written in the last hundred years’ [Free Church Witness]. Reset edition 2009. 200pp.

The Christian in Complete Armour (Unabridged) by William Gurnall
price Original price was: $48.00.Current price is: $43.20.
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‘The best thought-breeder in all our library’ — Spurgeon. 1240pp.


The Work of the Holy Spirit

An Experimental and Practical View

by Octavius Winslow

price From: $11.00
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Endorsements ‘This book is well worth reading, … the merits of the study are that it is biblical, usually there are plenty of references to support an assertion, and the book proceeds by exegesis of verses and passages; it is practical, the aim being so to expound the doctrine as to promote the experience; it […]


El Secreto De La Vida Cristiana

The Secret of the Christian Life

by J. C. Ryle

price Original price was: $8.00.Current price is: $7.20.


Book Description Su concepto de la vida cristiana respira un activismo netamente bíblico. Para Ryle, el verdadero cristiano no puede armonizarse con una noción estática de la fe, sino que, por lo contrario, la vida espiritual que se recibe con el nuevo nacimiento es como una fuerza impulsadora que pone a todas las facultades de […]

Cover Image of 'C.H. Spurgeon Autobiography'

C.H. Spurgeon Autobiography

Volume 1: The Early Years

by C. H. Spurgeon

price Original price was: $36.00.Current price is: $32.40.


The story of the life of the ‘prince of preachers’, largely in Spurgeon’s own words. Here is an inspiring record of a Christian life which continues to be of blessing for so many. 580 & 536pp.

Heaven on Earth by Thomas Brooks

Heaven on Earth

Assurance in the Christian Life

by Thomas Brooks

price Original price was: $11.00.Current price is: $8.80.
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Explains the nature of assurance and how it can be experienced. 320pp.



The Story of J.C. Philpot and William Tiptaft

by J. H. Philpot

price Original price was: $3.00.Current price is: $2.70.


A moving account of two brothers in Christ and their incredible relationship as they, together, left the Established Church of England in the 1830s. 208pp.

Book Cover for 'A Great Gulf Fixed'

A Great Gulf Fixed

Sermons on the Rich Man and Lazarus

by Brownlow North

price Original price was: $7.00.Current price is: $6.30.


Evangelistic messages emphasising the momentous issues highlighted by Jesus’ parable of the rich man and Lazarus. 128pp.

Leviticus Commentary by Andrew Bonar
price Original price was: $33.00.Current price is: $29.70.
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This commentary is based upon sound exegesis and marked by simplicity, yet Bonar is always careful to make spiritual application. 544pp.



by Thomas Manton

price Original price was: $27.00.Current price is: $24.30.


Manton at his best—full of searching application and sustained spiritual power. An excellent example of expository preaching. 488pp.

Genesis Commentary by John Calvin


by John Calvin

price Original price was: $39.00.Current price is: $35.10.


Calvin excels in bringing out the principles of God’s dealings with men, as individuals and in covenant, and in showing faithfully yet tenderly the human weakness and sin all too evident in Genesis. 1088pp.

Daniel Commentary by John Calvin


by John Calvin

price Original price was: $36.00.Current price is: $32.40.


There is scarcely a commentary on any portion of the Old Testament quite so profitable as Calvin . . . on Daniel’ —Wilbur Smith. 816pp.