Published: 1992
Showing 1–12 of 14 resultsSorted by latest

Book Description A man may be known by the company he keeps. Here, Faith Cook introduces us to Samuel Rutherford’s friends, who are called on to give us a fresh look at the man who has long been held in such high affection by Christian people around the world. The days in which Samuel Rutherford […]

Historia Del Protestantismo
History Protestantism
Book Description El Protestantismo es uno de los movimientos religiosos e intelectuales más decisivos en la formación de la cultura occidental, tal como la conocemos hoy. Sin embargo, la noción de que se trata simplemente de una corriente religiosa nacida en los albores del siglo XVI, podría conducir a una grave incomprensión del presente del […]

Letters Of Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Selected With Notes by Iain H. Murray
A selection, with notes by Iain H. Murray. 224pp.

Volume 7: Exposition of Hebrews, 11:1-13:25
In his massive exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews, Owen’s range of knowledge and the depth of his exegetical powers are most evident. Following the classical Puritan method, he provides careful analysis, judicious interpretation and rich practical application and thus, in a balanced way, addresses both mind and heart. One of the great classical commentaries of the Christian church.

Volume 6: Exposition of Hebrews, 8:1-10:39
In his massive exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews, Owen’s range of knowledge and the depth of his exegetical powers are most evident. Following the classical Puritan method, he provides careful analysis, judicious interpretation and rich practical application and thus, in a balanced way, addresses both mind and heart. One of the great classical commentaries of the Christian church.

Volume 5: Exposition of Hebrews, 6:1-7:28
In his massive exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews, Owen’s range of knowledge and the depth of his exegetical powers are most evident. Following the classical Puritan method, he provides careful analysis, judicious interpretation and rich practical application and thus, in a balanced way, addresses both mind and heart. One of the great classical commentaries of the Christian church.

Volume 4: Exposition of Hebrews, 3:7-5:14
In his massive exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews, Owen’s range of knowledge and the depth of his exegetical powers are most evident. Following the classical Puritan method, he provides careful analysis, judicious interpretation and rich practical application and thus, in a balanced way, addresses both mind and heart. One of the great classical commentaries of the Christian church.

Volume 3: Exposition of Hebrews, 1-3:6
In his massive exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews, Owen’s range of knowledge and the depth of his exegetical powers are most evident. Following the classical Puritan method, he provides careful analysis, judicious interpretation and rich practical application and thus, in a balanced way, addresses both mind and heart. One of the great classical commentaries of the Christian church.

Volume 2: The Sacerdotal Office of Christ. A Day of Sacred Rest. Summary of Observations on Hebrews.
In his massive exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews, Owen’s range of knowledge and the depth of his exegetical powers are most evident. Following the classical Puritan method, he provides careful analysis, judicious interpretation and rich practical application and thus, in a balanced way, addresses both mind and heart. One of the great classical commentaries of the Christian church.

Volume 1: Concerning the Epistle to the Hebrews, Concening the Messiah, Concerning the Jewish Church
In his massive exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews, Owen’s range of knowledge and the depth of his exegetical powers are most evident. Following the classical Puritan method, he provides careful analysis, judicious interpretation and rich practical application and thus, in a balanced way, addresses both mind and heart. One of the great classical commentaries of the Christian church.

Advice on the best books and how to set about reading them. 32pp.

Sermons on 2 Samuel
Chapters 1-13
The first English translation (by Professor Douglas Kelly) of his sermons on 2 Samuel, shows Calvin’s deep insight into human character. 696pp.
Showing 1–12 of 14 resultsSorted by latest