The Glorious Feast of the Gospel

Look Inside Price Original price was: $9.00.Current price is: $7.20.

500 in stock

Weight .37 lbs
Dimensions 7.13 × 4.75 × .5 in
ISBN 9781800400900




Original Pub Date


Banner Pub Date

Sep 10, 2021

Page Count





Puritan Paperbacks

Book Description

More than anything else, Richard Sibbes (1577–1635) was a great preacher. He never lost sight of the fact that the best Christian counselling is done by the Holy Spirit through the patient and lively exposition of God’s word. Sibbes excelled as a comforter of the troubled and doubting. But he also possessed a rare gift of illuminating every passage of Scripture he handled by drawing out its significance for his hearers and readers.

These features of Sibbes’s ministry figure prominently in The Glorious Feast of the Gospel. Sibbes takes for his text Isaiah 25:6-9 in order to display ‘Christ’s gracious invitation and royal entertainment of believers.’ The subject-matter is a perfect blend of rich doctrine and practical application. Here is an ‘admirable feast indeed … Jesus Christ is the master of the feast, and the cheer and provision too.’

If you have lost the ‘spiritual relish of savoury practical truths,’ these sermons, if read prayerfully, will help you recover it.

‘Now, I will shew why Christ, with his benefits, prerogatives, graces, and comforts, is compared to a feast…’



Submit your testimonial

  1. @diveindigdeep

    How does man live not by bread, but by the Word of God? In The Glorious Feast of the Gospel, Richard Sibbes presents a spiritual feast in Holy Scripture.

    Manna from Heaven

    With 8 sermons and just over 150 pages, Sibbes exposits Isaiah 25:6-9 with expertise. He examines it from every angle, squeezing every bit of truth out of the text. His applications are practical and personal enough to stand the test of time. This is a worthy edition in Banner of Truth’s iconic Puritan Paperbacks series.

    I was most moved to see how Sibbes compared Jesus to manna. While manna was showered in the darkness of the wilderness, so the light of Christ shines brightly in our dark world. While manna was fit for peasants and kings, so Christ will satisfy the rich and the poor. Sibbes strikes with the beauty and glory of God in every sentence.

    Spiritual Taste

    Most interesting to me was how Sibbes says we must acquire a spiritual taste. Not only should we be able to discern what is good from what is not, but we must also be able to digest it to our affections. Sibbes, in true Puritan fashion, speaks to our heads as well as our hearts.

    After reading this book, I am left in awe and wonder at the feast to be found in Jesus Christ. I am encouraged to come to him, knowing that he alone will satisfy hunger and thirst. I long for the day when we can feast together in peace and joy with our King. Taste and see that the Lord is good!

    I received a media copy of The Glorious Feast of the Gospel and this is my honest review.

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