D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones Books

Born and raised in Wales, David Martyn Lloyd-Jones served as the chief clinical assistant to London’s royal physician before sensing a call to return to Wales to preach. He served as the associate pastor and then sole pastor of Westminster Chapel before retiring in 1968 because of illness. He then spent the rest of his life editing his sermons for publication, counseling other pastors, and attending church conferences. D. Martyn-Lloyd Jones’ Romans insights, material gleaned from decades of preaching, are captured in a 14-volume set, as well as being available individually. The publication of this material has spread his faith-based wisdom far beyond what his spoken word ever could. Additional Martyn Lloyd-Jones books include Jesus Christ and Him Crucified, where this 20th-century pastor persuasively presents the unchanging natural of the Gospel, and Born of God, based on his sermons about the Gospel of John, Chapter 1.

Showing 37–44 of 44 results

Book Cover For 'El Sermón del Monte'

El Sermón del Monte

Sermon on the Mount

by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

price Original price was: $14.00.Current price is: $12.60.


Book Description El Sermón del Monte contíene las enseñanzas de Jesucristo en relación con la vida en el Reino de Dios. El Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones expone el Sermón analizando cuidadosamente lo que significa ser cristiano, haciendo hincapié en los aspectos cotidianos y prácticos de la vida cristiana. Esta obra es un ejemplo clásico de la […]

Book Cover For 'Cristianismo Autentico'
price Original price was: $15.00.Current price is: $13.50.


Book Description En este último volumen de Cristianismo auténtico, el Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones muestra la pertinencia para los lectores modernos de los acontecimientos documentados en Hechos 8: 1-35. Aquí vemos como la persecución que surgió tras el martirio de Esteban condujo a una prodigiosa propagación del evangelio por Samaria y, a través de la conversión […]


Los puritanos

Puritans: Their Origins and Successors

by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

price Original price was: $15.00.Current price is: $13.50.


Book Description La historia cobra vida cada vez que el Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones aborda un determinado tema o personaje.  Los que le conocieron simplemente como predicador se sorprenderán de la comprensión y el conocimiento que tiene de la historia de la Iglesia {…}.  Estas vistas generales y de conjunto nos presentan al Dr. Lloyd-Jones en […]

Cover image for Saved by Grace Alone by Martyn LLoyd-Jones

Saved By Grace Alone

Sermons on Ezekiel 36:16-36

by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

price From: $9.50
Avg. Rating


Book Description The fourteen sermons contained in Saved By Grace Alone were preached in Westminster Chapel, London, on Sunday evenings between 15 April and 15 July 1956. They are a fine example of preaching evangelistically from a consecutive passage of the Old Testament. While they are firmly based on the meaning of the Scripture text […]

image of the booklet Jesus Christ and Him Crucified
price From: $2.00
Avg. Rating


A persuasive presentation of the unchanging gospel. 32pp.

image of the book 'The cross' by DMLJ

The Cross

The Vindication Of God

by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

price From: $2.00


Above all else, the cross is a vindication of the character of God. 32pp.

Cover Image of 'Christian Marriage'

Christian Marriage

From Basic Principles to Transformed Relationships

by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

price From: $7.65
Avg. Rating


These eleven sermons on Ephesians 5:22-33 examine Christian marriage ‘from basic principles to transformed relationships’. 200pp.

image of the cristianismo auténtico set
price Original price was: $90.00.Current price is: $81.00.


Book Description Este es el serie de tomos que recogen la predicación del Dr. Lloyd-Jones sobre Hechos de los Apóstoles.

Showing 37–44 of 44 results