J. C. Ryle Books

In 1837, John Charles Ryle was an outstanding athlete, excelling in cricket and rowing. But, when he became ill with a serious infection, he turned to his long-forgotten Bible and prayed. Then, one Sunday at church, he felt as though God was speaking to him, emphasizing the message that people are saved by grace through faith, which is a gift from God. Ryle ultimately entered the ministry in the Church of England, while also publishing popular tracts and books from a Biblical standpoint. J.C. Ryle’s Holiness is perhaps his best known book, describing the nature of holiness and the challenges of temptation, while Call to Prayer shares with readers the privileges of private prayer. J.C. Ryle’s Thoughts for Young Men offers up what one reviewer calls “true Puritan theology,” while Agency That Transformed a Nation shares timeless lessons gleaned from the 18-century Great Awakening.


The Christian Race

and other sermons

by J. C. Ryle

price Original price was: $30.00.Current price is: $27.00.


Book Description When the aged J. C. Ryle announced he was to resign from the office of bishop of Liverpool, his friends encouraged him to publish a selection of sermons as a memorial to his sixty years of ministry, from country parson to diocesan bishop. The resulting selection, chosen by one of Ryle’s colleagues in […]

Christmas Thoughts by J. C. Ryle
price From: $22.00
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Book Description Christmas, and New Year, are excellent moments to pause and reflect—as scattered families regather for the national holiday, and as the calendar turns over again, with another year gone forever. J. C. Ryle urges us – in the midst of our feasting and festivities and family reunions – to make time to consider […]

image of why were our reformers burned by Ryle
price From: $3.00


Book Description To ask and answer the question ‘Why were our Reformers burned?’ could not be more pertinent to the times in which we live, according to Roger Carswell in his Introduction to this edition of J. C. Ryle’s tract on the English Reformers. This is a booklet that needs to be read carefully and […]

The Upper Room by J. C. Ryle

The Upper Room

Being a Few Truths For the Times

by J. C. Ryle

price From: $15.00
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Sermons and lectures which exhibit Ryle’s robust evangelical doctrine and down-to-earth application, with a contemporary ring. 464pp.


J. C. Ryle Classics Bundle

8 Volume Set

by J. C. Ryle

price Original price was: $234.00.Current price is: $210.60.


Description The writings of J. C. Ryle are marked by their clear, concise, penetrating, and practical nature. As a pastor, he often wrote tracts and papers to encourage his congregation in personal holiness and Christian living. He later became the first bishop of Liverpool where he tirelessly worked to build churches and mission halls to […]

how do you read the bible
price From: $3.00


Book Description According to J. C. Ryle, next to praying there is nothing so important in practical religion as Bible reading. God in his mercy has given us a book ‘which is able to make us wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus’ (2 Tim. 3:15). By reading the Bible we may […]

Charges and Addresses by J. C. Ryle
price From: $15.00


Book Description A man of good scholarship, sterling character, wide sympathies, and tremendous zeal, J. C. Ryle accounted it no light thing to be entrusted with the work of organizing and advancing the cause of God and truth in a diocese noted for its extensive industrial development and in a city of world fame. As […]

cover image for The Power and Sympathy of Christ by J.C. Ryle
price From: $10.00


Book Description This book, The Power and Sympathy of Christ, contains six studies on John chapter 11—one of the most remarkable chapters in all the New Testament. It deals with themes most useful and interesting to all professing believers. Just like the rest of the human race, Christians are ‘born to trouble as the sparks […]

Christian Leaders of the Eighteenth Century by J. C. Ryle
price From: $31.00
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Book Description Although much has been written on the evangelical revival of the 18th century, J. C. Ryle’s Christian Leaders of the Eighteenth Century remains the best popular introduction to this great spiritual era. With simplicity and vigour, he traces the lives of the eleven Christian leaders who ‘shook England from one end to another’, […]

cover image for Is All Scripture Inspired? by JC Ryle
price From: $10.00


NEW REPRINT Book Description To J. C. Ryle, the inspiration of the Scriptures was ‘the very keel and foundation of Christianity’. But is all Scripture inspired? Are the very words and expressions from God, or does inspiration mean something less than this? Ryle was convinced that the very words were from God, and that only […]

cover image for steps towards heaven by ryle
price Original price was: $10.00.Current price is: $9.00.


Book Description Can we be saved without any personal knowledge of the Bible’s teaching? Is it necessary to think clearly and precisely about such teaching? Is God’s love such that no one will ultimately suffer the everlasting loss of body and soul? These are very important questions; the answers we give to them will have […]

cover image for Bishop J C Ryle's Autobiography
price From: $15.00


This critical edition of J. C. Ryle’s Autobiography (1873), is a rich and unparalleled account of the early decades of his life and ministry. 392 pp.