Emily Van Dixhoorn Books

picture of Banner author Emily Van Dixhoorn
Confessing the Faith by Chad Van Dixhoorn
price Original price was: $38.00.Current price is: $34.20.


Description The Confessing the Faith Bundle includes Chad Van Dixhoorn’s Confessing the Faith, an immensely helpful ‘reader’s guide’ to the Westminster Confession of Faith and Confessing the Faith Study Guide, written by his wife, Emily Van Dixhoorn. Together, they are an invaluable resource, introducing Christians to the Confession in an easy to read format. Confessing […]

Confessing the Faith Study Guide by Emily Van Dixhoorn
price Original price was: $12.00.Current price is: $10.80.
Avg. Rating


Endorsements ‘Having personally benefited from Confessing the Faith, I have been keenly anticipating the arrival of this study guide. Whether it is used privately, or one-on-one, or in a small group, it will prove immensely helpful in understanding Christian doctrine and growing in grace.’ — ALISTAIR BEGG Book Description Confessing the Faith Study Guide is […]