Lectures on Revivals

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Weight 1.34 lbs
Dimensions 8.8 × 5.75 × 1.1 in
ISBN 9780851519371




Original Pub Date


Banner Pub Date

Jun 1, 1958

Page Count





‘The outstanding classic on this vital and urgently important matter.’ — D.M. LLOYD-JONES

Book Description

Sprague’s experience of genuine revivals, his faithfulness to biblical theology, and his balanced view, eminently fitted him to write what Dr. Lloyd-Jones described as ‘The outstanding classic on this vital and urgently important matter.’ The chapters of Lectures on Revivals cover such important themes as The Nature of Revival, Obstacles to Revivals, Divine Agency in Revivals, General Means of Producing and Promoting Revivals, Treatment Due to Awakened Sinners, and Evils to be Avoided in Connection with Revivals.

There is also a large and excellent Appendix comprising letters on revivals by various North American evangelical leaders of the nineteenth century. A special and unique feature of this new edition is the biographical sketch of each correspondent, kindly supplied by Dr. James M. Garretson. The original Banner reprint, from which the text of this new edition was drawn, was reproduced from the personal copy of Charles Simeon of Cambridge, who warmly commended the volume to his Executor by recording on its flyleaf the words: ‘A most valuable book…I love the good sense of Dr. Sprague.’



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  1. Allen Nelson

    William Sprague’s Lectures on Revival consists of 9 lectures and 20 letters regarding the subject of revival. I found this work both encouraging and convicting!

    Dr. Sprague seeks to both promote the cause of genuine revival in churches and to guard against “a spurious excitement” (p. xiii). When understood rightly, true revival of religion is a great blessing to the church and advances the cause of Christ in both the conversion of souls and in a heightened spiritual awareness and renewal in Christians toward the things of true gospel religion. When abused, revival is a detriment to the church leading some in a false assurance as well as degenerating the purity of Christ’s church.

  2. Dan Henderer

    Read this for encouragement when I get depressed with the state of the church. Maybe there is a true one left after all these years. “without hands” no doubt, if it ever comes.

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