The Great Transformation

The Sanctification and Glorification of the Believer

Weight .4 lbs
Dimensions 7.13 × 4.75 × .45 in
ISBN 9781848719149

Paperback, eBook (ePub & Kindle), Paperback & eBook (ePub & Kindle)



Banner Pub Date

Oct 15, 2019

Page Count




Book Description

The eight chapters of The Great Transformation bring before the reader the sanctification and glorification of the believer in Jesus. The author, a pastor of many years, explains, illustrates and applies these doctrines with fresh insights into the daily experiences and struggles of the Christian. He shows how they are a great encouragement to God’s beloved people especially when living in sad and difficult times in which sin and evil abound. While it is true that God’s children must go through many trials and discouragements in this world, it is also true their ‘light affliction is but for a moment.’ All true believers have left behind the state of sin and death; what they now look forward to is the blessed change — the great transformation — from grace to glory.

It is the author’s wish and prayer that readers of this book will be refreshed in their souls, encouraged in their faith, and reinvigorated in their service as they lift up their eyes to future comforts and joys in eternity.

Table of Contents Expand ↓

Preface vii
1 Living When Sin Abounds, Matt 24:12, 13 1
2 Praying in the Spirit, Rom. 8:26, 27 23
3 The Start of Sanctification, Rom. 8:15, 16 43
4 Through Fire and Water, Psa. 66:10-12 61
5 Left in  the World, John 17:15 79
6 Union and Communion with Christ, John 15:1-8 97
7 Glory in Prospect, Rom. 8:37 115
8 The Groaning Creation, Rom. 8:19-23 131


Submit your testimonial

  1. Christa

    I’ve only just begun this book, but already it is the familiar, welcome, consistent voice of Rev. Roberts that I have grown to love and to treasure from his previous three collections of Banner of Truth editorials and from his sermons. There is no voice like his in the OPC in the Chicago area in the United States. Like the Apostle Paul’s Epistles, these sobering sermons strengthen and encourage. I was thrilled to see this book come out, and I am not disappointed. Highly recommended along with Rev. Roberts earlier three collections. May the Lord continue to bless Rev. Roberts in his ministry and to permit this voice in the wilderness to preach for a long time to come. These sermons are welcome nourishment for my soul.

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