Books on Church and Ministry
Showing 1–12 of 135 results
The Thought of the Evangelical Leaders
Notes of the Discussions between John Newton and his friends in the Eclectic Society, London, 1798–1814
Notes of the Discussions between John Newton and his friends in the Eclectic Society, London, 1798–1814. 720pp.
Five Pioneer Missionaries
John Eliot, David Brainerd, Henry Martyn, William Chalmers Burns, John G. Paton
The awe-inspiring stories of David Brainerd, William Chalmers Burns, John Eliot, Henry Martyn and John G. Paton. 408pp.
Pastor Terry Johnson considers the role of the visible church and its ministry through the lens of Scripture, combining devotional, memoir, and Bible study. 232pp.
The Diary and Journal of David Brainerd
With Notes and Reflections by Jonathan Edwards
Brainerd’s life is a vivid, powerful testimony to the truth that God can and does use weak, sick, discouraged, lonely, struggling saints . . . to accomplish amazing things for his glory’ — John Piper. 792pp.
Called to be Holy
The Discipline of the Church
Booklet Description Discipline is not a dirty word. Any group which is united and effective embraces discipline to promote the health and strength of the group as a whole and its survival over time. The same is true of the church of Jesus Christ, serving and striving together so that Christ is formed in every […]
Endorsements ‘These sermons are timeless; they are more about God than they are about Job or his suffering.’ — DEREK THOMAS Book Description The name of John Calvin (1509-1564) is justly renowned in a number of contexts. The Reformation’s greatest systematic theologian, he was also a Christian strategist and transformer of society, as his enormous […]
Book Description A man of good scholarship, sterling character, wide sympathies, and tremendous zeal, J. C. Ryle accounted it no light thing to be entrusted with the work of organizing and advancing the cause of God and truth in a diocese noted for its extensive industrial development and in a city of world fame. As […]
Book Description There can be no doubt that a seismic shift has taken place within the English-speaking world over the last sixty years regarding what used to be referred to as ‘the Christian Sabbath.’ What was considered to be a day of rest, worship and holy activity is now just like any other day of […]
Evangelistic Calvinism
Why the Doctrines of Grace are Good News
Why the Doctrines of Grace are Good News.’ Heart-warming. 32pp.
The Pastor
His Call, Character, and Work
Book Description Written by faculty and friends of Old Princeton, with an introduction by Sinclair B. Ferguson. The authors included in this small clothbound collection: William S. Plumer (1802-80) J. W. Alexander (1804-59) Archibald Alexander (1771-1851) Charles Hodge (1797-1878) Samuel Miller (1769-1850) Ashbel Green (1762-1848) Nicholas Murray (1802-61) The authors of The Pastor: His Call, […]
Book Description David F. Wells of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Massachusetts, here challenges evangelicalism with a disturbing analysis of its present condition. He believes that we have allowed ourselves to be shaped by the popular culture whose ethos is alien to God-consciousness, to ‘other-worldliness’, and to passion for biblical truth. In putting ‘success’ before theology we […]
Showing 1–12 of 135 results