Books on Justification

The Doctrine of Justification by James Buchanan

The Doctrine of Justification

An outline of its history in the Church and of its exposition from Scripture

by James Buchanan

price From: $16.00


‘The value of this book today is that it will help us to understand this message better, and so to preach it in [a] full and comprehensive way..’ -PACKER

Cover image for Salvacion Biblia y el Catolicismo Romano

La Salvaciòn, La Biblia y El Catolicismo Romano

Salvation, the Bible & Roman Catholicism

by William Webster

price Original price was: $9.00.Current price is: $8.10.


¿Por qué hay iglesias católicas y protestantes ? ¿Hay alguna razón por un desacuerdo sobre la doctrina que tuvo lugar hace casi 500 años debe seguir dividir a la gente hoy en día? Es no es el caso de que los católicos romanos y protestantes creen básicamente las mismas cosas ? En La Salvación, La […]


This God Our God

Creator, Judge, Saviour

by Archibald G. Brown

price From: $11.50


Book Description A companion volume to The Face of Jesus Christ, this new selection of sermons by Archibald G. Brown concentrate on the Bible’s teaching about God as Creator, Judge, and Saviour. Preached during the course of his long ministry in London, these sermons were heard by thousands and then read avidly by multitudes who prized […]


The Atonement

In its relations to the covenant, the priesthood, the intercession of our Lord

by Hugh Martin

price From: $16.00
Avg. Rating


EndorsementsRead More ↓ ‘Hugh Martin did not belong to the type of theologian who simply pours new wine into old wine bottles, or vice versa. He thought through the truth from first principles, always sensitive to the text of Scripture. Thus the reader is never left simply ticking off boxes, ‘heard that’, ‘know this’. Rather […]


Finding Peace with God

Justification Explained

by Maurice Roberts

price From: $2.00
Avg. Rating


Book Description Justification. Just another piece of theological jargon, or a vital teaching which may be compared to the very door by which the Christian faith is entered? Picture the scene: Almighty God, the perfectly just Judge, is seated in his great High Court of Justice. The Christian believer, trusting in Christ, stands before him. […]

Justification Vindicated by Robert Traill
price Original price was: $7.00.Current price is: $5.60.


With brevity and clarity, refutes false charges against, and movingly affirms the biblical doctrine of justification by faith alone. 96pp.

price Original price was: $3.00.Current price is: $2.70.


Book Description El autor examina la pregunta que hizo Job hace muchos siglos: “¿Y cómo se justificará el hombre con Dios?” (Job 9:1-2). Y tras un pormenorizado estudio de la cuestión que plantea , acaba desafiando al lector: “¿Cómo vas a justificarte ante Dios? Permítaseme expresarlo de manera mas apremiante. Si tuvieras que presentarte ante […]

The Works of Jonathan Edwards, Volume 1
price Original price was: $48.00.Current price is: $43.20.
Avg. Rating


The Works of Jonathan Edwards, Volume 1 exemplifies his plain, expository style, intense spirituality and impresses the reality of God upon his readers. Large clothbound, 925 pages.

The Works of Jonathan Edwards
price Original price was: $90.00.Current price is: $81.00.
Avg. Rating


The Works of Jonathan Edwards exemplifies his plain, expository style, intense spirituality and impresses the reality of God upon his readers. Clothbound, two volumes.

The Works of John Owen

The Works of John Owen

16 Volume Set

by John Owen

price Original price was: $398.00.Current price is: $358.20.
Avg. Rating


Endorsements ‘To read John Owen is to enter a rare world. Whenever I return to one of his works I find myself asking “Why do I spend time reading lesser literature?” . . . If we can persevere with his style (which becomes easier the longer we persevere), he will not fail to bring us […]


The Works of John Owen

Volume 12: The Gospel Defended

by John Owen

price Original price was: $28.00.Current price is: $25.20.


Book Description Despite his other achievements, Owen is best famed for his writings. These cover the range of doctrinal, ecclesiastical and practical subjects. They are characterized by profundity, thoroughness and, consequently, authority. Andrew Thomson said that Owen ‘makes you feel when he has reached the end of his subject, that he has also exhausted it.’ […]


The Works of John Owen

Volume 5: Faith and its Evidences

by John Owen

price Original price was: $28.00.Current price is: $25.20.


Commendation of Volume 5 ‘The biblical doctrine of justification by faith is that by which the church stands or falls – so thought Martin Luther. John Owen was of the same conviction. Volume 5 of Owen’s works consists of two works: Evidences of the Faith of God’s Elect – a short, valuable exposition of the […]