A Call to Prayer

Weight 0.04 kg
Dimensions 18.4 × 12.4 × 0.5 cm
ISBN 9780851518190


Page Count



Whole Bible



Banner Pub Date

May 30, 2002

Original Pub Date



Booklet, eBook (ePub & Kindle), Booklet & eBook (ePub & Kindle)



Book Description

According to J C Ryle, private prayer is the most neglected of all Christian duties. That is most unfortunate because private prayer is the true measure of a Christian’s walk before God and ‘the pith and marrow of practical Christianity’. To bestir his readers to the practice and privilege of private prayer, Ryle points out both the blessings of prayer and the grave dangers of prayerlessness.

Prayer under the blessing of God leads to the new birth, strengthens faith, moves mountains, and promotes spiritual growth and contentment that rises above circumstances. Prayerlessness, on the other hand, is the broad road leading to Hell for the unbeliever and the major cause of backsliding in the Christian. Ryle observes that ‘men fall in private long before they fall in public’. His warning is surely a word in season to our contemporary evangelical church, whose witness during the last generation to a lost and perishing world has been sorely compromised by scandals involving so-called Christian leaders.


Submit your testimonial

  1. David J. Harris

    Within moments of turning the cover, Ryle begins to change your perception on prayer. Rather than spitting out the old “We can never pray enough,” or “We could all pray a little more” the author gets right to the heart of the issue: prayer is the most important (yet most neglected) responsibility of a Christian. Every objection a reader may have to this idea of a regular prayer life is torn to shreds with a quick word by Ryle, whether with an illustration from nature, a proof by logic, or countless Biblical examples (this is often the case) that render the argument useless. This is a little but important book that will most likely transform how you look at talking to your Heavenly Father.

  2. Mitch O’Neil

    With such a simple question – Do You Pray?, Ryle opens the readers heart and mind to carefully and thoroughly examine their own life and honestly answer the pressing question at hand. He not only exposes the issue, but declares the necessity of addressing this vital question in every believers life. A must read for any Christian desiring a deeper walk with God.

  3. Sam

    Classic Ryle. Ryle is serious about prayer and he wants you to be also. It is the Christian first and perpetual privilege. We have no excuse. Ryle makes clear a prayerless Christian is a sorrowful thing and may even show that one is not converted.

  4. Garrett Kell

    This is the book I give away to church members and pastors more than any other. The Lord has used Ryle’s work here to stir the affections of many a dry soul and provoked them to prayer. I’m one of them. I am eternally grateful for this brother’s small but eternally significant work. May be the best 32 pages you’ll read on prayer. Buy one for you and 10 to give away.


    Highly readable in JC’s loving way, this work is study-able, devotional, read-aloud-able and convicting. It is around the family table, inspirational and motivational. Winsome, convicting and full of love for God and the saint, it is also evangelical. Honorably seek out, like those of Berea, in God’s Word the things written of in this short story of prayer and you will be greatly rewarded. Praise His Holy Name!

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