
Expository Thoughts on the Gospels

7 Volume Set

Price Original price was: £87.50.Current price is: £45.00.

Weight 3.826 kg
Dimensions 22.3 × 14.3 × 17.2 cm
ISBN 9781848711365

No topic listed



Original Pub Date


Banner Pub Date

Jul 1, 2012



Page Count



Expository Thoughts on the Gospels (Clothbound)


‘We prize these volumes. They are diffuse, but not more so than family reading requires. Mr. Ryle has evidently studied all previous writers upon the Gospels, and has given forth an individual utterance of considerable value.’ — C.H. SPURGEON

Book Description


This is a special subsidised price for the full set.

Gospel of Matthew – 1 Volume As the first Gospel in the New Testament, Matthew was, not surprisingly, the first to be published in J. C. Ryle’s series of Expository Thoughts on the Gospels (1856). Ryle’s expositions are a rich combination of doctrinal and practical comments on the Gospel text.

Ryle’s Expository Thoughts can be used as a help in family worship, or as an aid in pastoral visitation, or simply as a companion to the Gospels in the private reading of Scripture.

Gospel of Mark – 1 Volume First published in 1857, Mark was the second book to appear in J. C. Ryle’s series of Expository Thoughts on the Gospels.

The earliest of the Gospel narratives to be written, Mark, says Ryle, ‘is singularly full of precious facts about the Lord Jesus, narrated in a simple, terse, pithy, and condensed style’. Those last four adjectives could well be used to describe Ryle’s own comments on the Gospel!

Gospel of Luke – 2 Volumes Within a year of publishing Mark in his Expository Thoughts on the Gospels series, J. C. Ryle had, in 1858, completed the Gospel of Luke.

Written specifically for a non-Jewish readership, Luke’s Gospel is perhaps the most ‘accessible’ of the narratives of the life of Christ for modern readers. Ryle’s desire for his readers mirrors that of Luke Luke 1:4), that they might gain ‘a more clear knowledge of Christ, as a living person, a living priest, a living physician, a living friend, a living advocate at the right hand of God, and a living Saviour soon about to come again’.

Gospel of John – 3 Volumes ‘The Gospel of St. John, rightly interpreted, is the best and simplest answer to those who profess to admire a vague and indistinct Christianity.’ There were many such in J. C. Ryle’s day, as in our own, and these final three volumes of his Expository Thoughts on the Gospels series provide a detailed commentary upon, and ‘right interpretation’ of the fourth Gospel.

In these volumes Ryle shows again that, as in all his writing and preaching, he was first and foremost a pastor, and as J. I. Packer has pointed out, ‘alongside the question “Is it true?” the question “What effect will this have on ordinary people?” was always in his mind’.


Mark Jones on Expository Thoughts


Submit your testimonial

  1. D.W.Miller

    My wife and I were married in May 2014, and I knew as a new husband my devotional time with the Lord would now daily involve another person. Ryle’s 7 volumes on the gospels were our portion for 8 months in our devotional times in the evenings together and they were exciting to open everyday. Ryle has a simple yet profound way of taking Gods truth and bringing it to life. He was a highly gifted man and his writings speak for themselves. I would recommend these volumes to any young married couple who want their devotional times together to be be both informative and spiritually enriching. Ryle will point the way to Christ on every page and will also give you a longing to be alone with Jesus.

    I still hold firmly to the truth of a man taking himself aside and being alone with God as he rises every morning, this being the utmost priority in the life of any husband and also every Christian for that matter. A husbands devotional time with his God is what will hold a family together and he should never leave the secret place without receiving the Lords blessing. This he must do alone without distraction. After He has met with God he is free to build his wifes faith by sharing devotional times with her whether morning or evening.

    Ryle is a great place to begin when sharing a new devotional life together, he will point you to the Saviour with honesty, integrity and humility. I would recommend these 7 volumes over any other volumes on the gospels for both devotional and study purposes. They have made our married life very rich in the Lord and we were gutted when the last volume came to an end. Please take advantage of these books, you will not regret it.
    God Bless

  2. Mikhail G

    You will not find a better set of devotional books, period. Our family prays, opens the Bible and reads the passage together, then reads the expository thoughts on the passage. These books really help you to meditate upon the Word of God. This set has been a blessing for our family.

  3. Paul Walker

    Many years ago, a dear man from Banner of Truth named Jim Eshelman gave me some books. Included was a 3 volume set of J.C.Ryle on John. These books changed my life and theology. I remain in his debt, thank you Jim.

  4. David Nalley

    When I discovered the life and writings of J. C. Ryle several years ago, my life and ministry changed. Here was a man who truly knew his Savior, loved Him, and faithfully made Him known to others.

    I bought this set on the Gospels about 6 months ago, and have benefited greatly from them. I use them weekly for preparation for my sermons, as well as my own devotional reading. My only regret is that I did not buy and read them sooner. These volumes are full of rich theology, wisdom, and warm practical teaching, from a man who truly loves His Savior. Every Christian would benefit from reading these volumes. I would encourage pastors to buy and read these volumes on the Gospels. You will not regret it!

  5. Sam Beaulieu

    I am so grateful for getting this set for so cheap as a first time attendee to the Banner conference years ago. That exposed me to Ryle. He has become a mentor to me. I have never turned to Ryle without benefit to my mind and soul. I always encourage people to pick up all his books.

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